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PowerSchool Enrollment version is available as of 7/19/2019.



Admin - Replace Race Codes in PowerSchool SIS

Student race codes can now either be replaced or appended when delivering records to the PowerSchool SIS via the API.

Resolved Issues


Admin - Exact Contact Matches in eSchoolPlus SIS

When delivering a student to the eSchoolPlus SIS, if there is an exact contact match, there are specific instances where the contact is successfully matched and a green orb is correctly displayed; however, the existing data column is not populated, preventing the user from seeing the data that currently exists in the eSchoolPlus SIS. This issue is now resolved. 

Admin - Matching Contacts in eSchoolPlus SIS

When matching contacts to the eSchoolPlus SIS, given there is an exact match on ID for a contact, the contact should be automatically matched and a green orb should be displayed; however, if the contact exists in the eSchoolPlus SIS, but the contact is both not currently associated to the student, the contact is not being automatically matched, requiring the user to resolve matches. This issue is now resolved. 

Admin - Pop-up Alignment

When attempting to perform tasks, including Print Forms, Send Email, or Matching, pop-ups are displayed; however, certain conditions cause the pop-ups to appear at the bottom of the page when they should be centered. This issue is now resolved. 

Parent - Verified Outputs in Mobile

When filling out a form that contains School Locator and verified outputs are enabled, upon address verification, the form returns the address provided by the family in valid USPS format for verification; however, those fields are not being populated in the mobile responsive user interface. This issue is now resolved. 

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