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PowerSchool Enrollment version is available as of 11/15/2019.

New Features

Admin - Admin SSO with eSchoolPlus SISSchool/district staff can access PowerSchool Enrollment directly from within the eSchoolPlus SIS. School/district staff must sign into their PowerSchool Enrollment account on the first attempt in order to link their accounts, and then on subsequent attempts are authenticated directly into their linked PowerSchool Enrollment account through SSO (single sign-on). Requires eSchoolPlus SIS version or higher.
Admin - App SwitcherSchool/district staff can easily access the district's other PowerSchool products from the new app switcher menu within the application header bar. This requires configuration by your Specialist and requires the other PowerSchool products to support the app switcher. This does not yet support SSO.
Admin - Manage SIS ConnectionsDistrict administrators with the Configuration role can create and manage API connections with the district's SIS, if using PowerSchool SIS or eSchoolPlus SIS. In doing so, district administrators can enable Parent SSO and Admin SSO. In order to enable Parent SSO or Admin SSO with eSchoolPlus SIS, requires eSchoolPlus SIS version or higher. If Parent SSO is enabled with eSchoolPlus SIS, district administrators can manage what forms are displayed to parents within the eSchoolPlus SIS Home Access Center (HAC). If Parent SSO or Admin SSO is enabled with PowerSchool SIS, plugins must still be created and installed within PowerSchool SIS.
Admin - Parent SSO with eSchoolPlus SISParents can access PowerSchool Enrollment forms directly from within the eSchoolPlus SIS HAC. On their first attempt, parents can either sign into a preexisting PowerSchool Enrollment account in order to link their accounts or can have a PowerSchool Enrollment account created automatically for them, and then on subsequent attempts are authenticated directly into their linked PowerSchool Enrollment account through SSO. From within the eSchoolPlus SIS HAC, parents can start new forms, continue in-progress forms, and view submitted forms for existing students at the district and for students new to the district. When used with Private forms, parents do not need to enter snapcodes. Requires eSchoolPlus SIS version or higher.
Admin - User Interface UpdatesThe Admin Portal has an updated look and feel that matches the new style of other PowerSchool products for a more unified experience. The main menu now takes up less space so that you have more room on the page for the data and tools you're working with. The sub-menus now expand from the main menu. The account menu has moved to an application header bar, making it more easily accessible. The Forms page is now the Student Data page. The Settings page within Configuration is now the General page.
Parent - Pre-Populate on Demand with eSchoolPlus SISWhen parents start Private or Restricted forms for existing students from within the eSchoolPlus SIS HAC using SSO, the forms can be pre-populated on demand from data currently in the SIS. When used with Private forms, roster records are still required. Requires eSchoolPlus SIS version or higher.
Parent - Year-Round Updates with eSchoolPlus SISParents can access Year-Round Update forms for existing students from within the eSchoolPlus SIS HAC using SSO, and in doing so the forms can be pre-populated and on demand from data currently in the SIS. These Year-Round Update forms can be submitted throughout the year as many times as necessary, in order to ensure the district always has up-to-date information. School/district staff can review and deliver each submission to the SIS, or each submission can be delivered to the SIS automatically. Requires eSchoolPlus SIS version or higher.

Resolved Issues

Admin - Print Form Order

When printing PDFs using the Print Forms task, the order of records on the file is not the order of the records on the workspace. This issue is now resolved.

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