Visit Feedback FAQs
How do I provide feedback for a college's visit?
To give feedback in RepVisits, go to Notifications and select Visit Feedback. On the Pending tab, review the higher ed institutions that have requested your feedback. Award between 1 and 5 stars for the overall impression of the visit. Enter specific comments about the visit, and indicate areas of success, or need for improvement.
Do I have to give feedback for a college's visit?
You are not required to provide feedback. Select I don’t want to submit feedback on the visit to remove the higher ed institution from your Pending tab.
Who can review the feedback that I share?
Only higher ed users with administrator permission can review your feedback.
What can the higher ed institution access?
Higher ed institutions can review the number of stars you gave for the overall impression of the visit and any areas of success, areas for improvement, and specific comments that you noted.
I can only give feedback for a few of the schools that have visited. Why?
Institutions that have made visits to your school can decide to request feedback or not.
A school that was listed previously has disappeared. Can I still share feedback?
If an institution turns off the Visit Feedback feature, any feedback previously submitted remains available to the institution. However, feedback requests not completed by your school are removed. Requests appear again if the institution reactivates the Visit Feedback feature.
How long do I have to share feedback?
A higher ed institution's request for feedback remains on the Pending tab until you submit feedback or dismiss the request.
Can I change my feedback after I have submitted it?
After you submit feedback for an institution, you cannot make changes.
Is feedback anonymous?
You can submit feedback anonymously or have your name appear with your high school name.