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Manage Scheduled Visits

  1. Navigate to the RepVisits tile on the homepage, then click Schedule.
  2. From the Calendar, find the desired visit or fair, then click its name to access the details page.
You can also manage visits or appointments scheduled within the next seven days from the Overview section.

Reschedule a Visit

  1. Navigate to the bottom of the details page and click Reschedule.
  2. Use the Calendar Search to select the new time slot or create a custom time slot.
  3. Enter a message to the admission representative confirming the new visit date or time or indicating why the date or time is changing.

  4. Click Reschedule Visit.

Cancel a Visit

  1. Navigate to the bottom of the details page and click Cancel This Visit.
  2. Enter a message for the admission representative indicating why you are canceling the visit.
  3. Click Yes, Cancel Visit.

Change a Visit Type

  1. Navigate to the bottom of the details page and click Visit Type. The system automatically updates the visit type to the other type of visit without any additional selections.
  2. Enter a message to the admission representative indicating why the visit type is changing. 
  3. Click Change Visit Type.

Access the virtual visit URL

  1. Navigate to the Virtual Visit URL section on the details page.

  2. Click the link to join the virtual meeting room.

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