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Modify Attendance

When you have submitted attendance, you can modify attendance codes or comments. If you have appropriate access, you can change previously entered attendance codes. You cannot modify attendance or comments entered or modified by the administrator.

To view a report of a four-week span of attendance data, use the Class Attendance Audit report. Run the report for an individual student, or an entire class.

  1. On the start page, click the icon for the attendance mode you would like to use. The selected attendance page appears. 
    Note: To open a specific period of a multi-meeting section, select the period from the pop-up menu next to the Single Day (chair) icon.
  2. Modify attendances codes where applicable. Attendance that cannot be changed is indicated by a dash ( - ) in the field.
  3. Click on a comment icon to edit the comment. Click OK on the Edit Comments pop-up when you are finished editing the comment.
  4. Click Submit. The attendance is updated.
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