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View Quick Lookup

The Quick Lookup page displays commonly used information, such as the student's schedule, teachers, current grades, and attendance record. If the student is enrolled in more than one school, additional Quick Lookup tabs appear. Each of the tabs includes the school abbreviation. When viewing the Quick Lookup page from the context of the student's home school, the first tab reflects the student's home school. The subsequent tabs are for the remote schools. When viewing the Quick Lookup page from the context of one of the student's remote schools, the first tab is for the student's remote school. The subsequent tabs are for the home school and other remote schools.

Note: If a room has been defined for a section, the room number appears next to the teacher's name.

View the Quick Lookup Page

  1. On the start page, click the Student Information (backpack) icon of the class you want to work with.
  2. Click the name of the student you want to work with.
  3. Choose choose Quick Lookup from the Select screens pop-up menu.
  4. Click the Quick Lookup tab. 
  5. Use the following table to view information in the Attendance By Class section:




    The expression indicates the period and day combination of the course.

    Last Week

    • Blank indicates class meets that day and the student is present.
    • A dot indicates class does not meet that day.
    • An A indicates class meets that day and the student was absent.
    • Shaded indicates school is not in session and/or the student is not enrolled on that date.

    Note: Other information may not appear unless school is in session and/or the student is currently enrolled.

    This Week

    • Blank indicates class meets that day and the student is present.
    • A dot indicates class does not meet that day.
    • An A indicates class meets that day and the student was absent.
    • Shaded indicates school is not in session and/or the student is not enrolled on that date.

    Note: Other information may not appear unless school is in session and/or the student is currently enrolled.


    • The name of the course.
    • The teacher teaching the course.
    • The room number where the course is taught.
    • Click a teacher's name to send that teacher an email message.
    • Click the Section Teachers icon next to the teacher’s name to view the teachers assigned to the class. The Section Teachers pop-up appears. When done viewing, click the x to close the Section Teachers pop-up.

    Note: This icon appears only if there is more than one teacher assigned to the class.


    • The reporting term.
    • Blank indicates no PGFinalGrades record exist for the student/class/termbin.
    • Two dashes indicate a PGFinalGrades record exists for the student/class/termbin, but the "Grade" is blank.
    • To view the assignments and their scores that comprise the final grades for a term, click the score in the appropriate term column.

    Note: Additional information, such as overall grade, percentage, and citizenship, may appear based on school settings.


    • The number of absences per reporting term.
    • Lower-case attendance codes indicate that the teacher took attendance.
    • Upper-case attendance codes indicate that an attendance clerk or office staff member took attendance.
    • Click any absences to display details on the Dates of Attendance page.


    The number of tardies per reporting term.

    Attendance Totals

    • The total number of absences and tardies for each term.
    • The attendance totals can be used for reports.
    • The total number of tardies for each term.

    Current Weighted GPA

    The student's current weighted GPA.

    Note: Only appears for the student's home school.

  6. Use the following table to view information in the Attendance By Day section:



    Last Week

    • Blank indicates class meets that day and the student is present.
    • A dot indicates class does not meet that day.
    • An A indicates class meets that day and the student was absent.

    This Week

    • Blank indicates class meets that day and the student is present.
    • A dot indicates class does not meet that day.
    • An A indicates class meets that day and the student was absent.


    • The number of absences per reporting term.
    • Click any absences to display details on the Dates of Attendance page.


    The number of tardies per reporting term.

    Attendance Totals

    The total number of absences and tardies for each term.

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