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New Experience

If your district has enabled the new experience, the new header and navigation toolbar appear. If you are not ready to try it out, you can switch back to the "classic look." When you are ready, simply re-enable.

To disable:

  1. On the start page, click Personalize from the navigation menu. The Personalize page appears. 
  2. Click Disable New Experience. The Disable New Experience page appears.
  3. Select the Disable New Experience checkbox.
  4. Click Submit.

To re-enable:

  1. On the start page, click Personalize from the navigation menu. The Personalize page appears. 
  2. Click Disable New Experience. The Disable New Experience page appears. 
  3. Deselect the Disable New Experience checkbox.
  4. Click Submit.


The header appears at the top of the start page, and is common to every page in the application. The header includes the following information:


PowerSchool SIS

Click to return to the start page from anywhere within the application.

  1. Click the Applications icon. The Applications drawer slides into view.
  2. Click the Application link you want to launch. The application launches in a separate window (or tab depending on your browser settings).
    Note: The window that appears is not served by the PowerSchool SIS. It is rendered from a separate server. If the window does not launch, contact your school's PowerSchool administrator

    Note: If you are not actively working in the PowerSchool Teacher portal, your session may time out. If so, you need to sign in again.

  3. When you are finished working in the application, be sure to sign out of the application.
  4. When you are finished working in the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal, be sure to sign out of the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal.

Note: Only appears if enabled and you have the proper security permissions.

Click the Notifications icon to access the Notifications pop-up.

If the selected school has any notifications requiring attention, the number of notifications appears next to the Notification icon.

The Password Security section displays the date and time of the last time you signed in. The display appears when you hover over your name. This information can be used to alert you to any unusual account activity. If you experience any unusual account activity, report it to your school.

Click the Report Queue icon to display any report requests or "jobs" you have in the queue. If any of the jobs are currently running, the icon displays without a checkmark.

Note: Only appears when you have reports in the queue.

Click the Printer icon to print a printer-friendly version of the page you are viewing.

Click the Help icon to access the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal in-app help.

Click the User Menu icon to sign out of the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal.

Note: The initials of the first and last name of the person signed in appear. If these are not your initials, contact your school’s PowerSchool administrator.

Navigation Toolbar

The navigation toolbar appears at the top of the start page just below the header, and is common to every page in the application. The navigation toolbar includes the following information:




The name of your default school appears. If you have access to more than one school, you can click the link to choose another school. Before beginning any procedure, be sure the school in which you want to work appears.

  1. Click the school link. The school menu appears.
  2. To narrow the list of schools, enter any of the following in the search field:
    • Any part of a school name (contains search)
    • A school number (starts with search)
    • Any part of a school abbreviation (contains search)
    • Any part of a school category (contains search)
  3. Choose the appropriate school name. The navigation toolbar displays the name of the selected school.


The current term appears.

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