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TeacherEmailQueue (ver2.3)

This table is used to associate a teacher to an email.

Column NameInitial VersionData TypeDescription
EmailQueueID2.3Number(19,0)Internal ID for the EmailQueue record to which the record is associated. Required.
ID2.3Number(19,0)Unique sequential number generated by the application. Required.
PSM_TeacherID2.3Number(19,0)Internal ID for the PSM_Teacher record to which the record is associated. Required.
WhenCreated2.3Timestamp(6)Date and time the record was created. Defaults to system date. Required.
WhenModified2.3Timestamp(6)Date and time the record was modified. Defaults to system date. Required.
WhoCreated2.3Varchar2(100)The user login that created the record. Defaults to database user. Required.
WhoModified2.3Varchar2(100)The user login that modified the record. Defaults to database user. Required.
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