PSSIS_Attendance_Meeting (ver5.0.0)
This view provides all Meeting Attendance records that fall within a valid student class enrollment, valid student school enrollment, and valid calendar in-session school day. This will include both present and absent attendance records.
Column Name | Initial Version | Data Type | Description |
Name | 5.0.0 | String35 | [From PSSIS_Membership_Reg] The Student's last, first name. |
Student_Number | 5.0.0 | Real | [From PSSIS_Membership_Reg] The Student's number. |
Current_Grade_Level | 5.0.0 | Longint | [From PSSIS_Membership_Reg] The Student's current grade level. |
Current_School_Abbreviation | 5.0.0 | String20 | [From PSSIS_Membership_Reg] The School's abbreviation. |
Gender | 5.0.0 | String2 | [From PSSIS_NCLB_Fields] The Student's gender (M, F). |
Ethnicity_Name | 5.0.0 | String50 | [From PSSIS_NCLB_Fields] The Student's Ethnicity Name. |
Ethnicity_Code | 5.0.0 | String20 | [From PSSIS_NCLB_Fields] The Student's Ethnicity Code. |
Special_Ed_Student | 5.0.0 | String3 | [From PSSIS_NCLB_Fields] Flag to show whether or not this Student is a Special Ed Student. |
ID | 5.0.0 | Longint | [From Attendance] Unique ID from the Attendance table. Indexed. |
StudentID | 5.0.0 | Longint | [From Students] The internal number for the student this record is associated. Indexed. |
SchoolID | 5.0.0 | Longint | [From Attendance] ID Linked to the School_Number from the Schools table. Indexed. |
Att_Date | 5.0.0 | Date | [From Attendance] The Attendance Date from the Attendance Code table. Indexed. |
Attendance_CodeID | 5.0.0 | Longint | [From Attendance] The Attendance Code ID from the Attendance Code table. Indexed. |
Att_Code | 5.0.0 | String10 | [From Attendance_Code] The Attendance Code value from the Attendance Code table. Indexed. |
Att_Mode_Code | 5.0.0 | String20 | [From Attendance] The Attendance Mode Code from the Attendance Code table. Indexed. |
Att_Interval | 5.0.0 | Longint | [From Attendance] The Attendance Interval from the Attendance table. Indexed. |
Calendar_DayID | 5.0.0 | Longint | [From Calendar_Day] The unique identifier from the Calendar_Day table. |
CCID | 5.0.0 | Longint | [From Attendance] Foreign key to the CC table. Indexed. |
Att_Comment | 5.0.0 | String1024 | [From Attendance] The Attendance comment. |
CC_SchoolID | 5.0.0 | Longint | [From CC] Foreign key to the Schools table from CC. Indexed. |
Dropped | 5.0.5 | Longint | [Derived] 1 if class has been dropped (negative SectionID in CC). 0 if class not dropped. |
PeriodID | 5.0.0 | Longint | [From Attendance] Foreign key to the Period table from Attendance. Indexed. |
Period_Abbreviation | 5.0.0 | String3 | [From Period] The period abbreviation value from the Period table. |
Period_Number | 5.0.0 | Longint | [From Period] The period Number value from the Period table. Indexed. |
SectionID | 5.0.0 | Longint | [From Sections] Primary key from the Sections table. Indexed. |
Section_Number | 5.0.0 | String10 | [From Sections] Actual section number value from the Sections table. Indexed. |
ProgramID | 5.0.0 | Longint | [From Attendance] The program ID located in the Attendance table. |
Program_Name | 5.0.0 | String50 | [From Gen] The Program Name associated with the Program ID. |
Track_A | 5.0.0 | Longint | [From Calendar_Day] Track A from Calendar_Day. |
Track_B | 5.0.0 | Longint | [From Calendar_Day] Track B from Calendar_Day. |
Track_C | 5.0.0 | Longint | [From Calendar_Day] Track C from Calendar_Day. |
Track_D | 5.0.0 | Longint | [From Calendar_Day] Track D from Calendar_Day. |
Track_E | 5.0.0 | Longint | [From Calendar_Day] Track E from Calendar_Day. |
Track_F | 5.0.0 | Longint | [From Calendar_Day] Track F from Calendar_Day. |
InSession | 5.0.0 | Longint | [From Calendar_Day] In session flag from the calendar Day table. |
Count_For_ADA | 5.0.0 | Longint | [From Attendance_Code] Calculate ADA (y or n). |
Presence_Status_CD | 5.0.0 | String10 | [From Attendance_Code] Presence status code from the Attendance_Code table. |
Cycle_Day_ID | 5.0.0 | Longint | [From Calendar_Day] Cycle day unique ID. Indexed. |
Cycle_Day_Abbreviation | 5.0.0 | String3 | [From Cycle_Day] Cycle Day (3 character) Abbreviation. |
Total_Minutes | 5.0.0 | Real | [From Attendance] The total minutes from the Attendance table (Daily Mode). |