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Manage Custom Student Screens

  1. Navigate to the Custom Student Screens page. 

  2. To add custom student screens:

    1. Click New

    2. Enter the name of the screen in the Name field.

    3. Click Submit

    4. Click Edit Fields next to the new screen. 

    5. Click New

    6. Enter the Label.

    7. Enter the Field Name. To insert a PowerSchool field into this field, click Fields to view a list of PowerSchool fields and select the field you want to add. Database extension fields can be selected. To create a custom field, refer to Manage Custom Student Fields.

    8. Determine the Sort Order.

    9. Select the Input Type.

      • If you chose Entry field or Entry box at the Input Type field, enter the width in characters of the field or box.

      • If you chose Entry box at the Input Type field, enter the height of the box in lines.

      • If you chose the Pop-up menu or Radio button at the Input Type field, enter the options the users can select at the field.
        A menu may optionally contain values, which consist of two segments. The first segment is the value that is stored in the database. This value is not visible on the page. The second segment is the label, which appears within the menu. The first and second segments use a semi-colon as a delimiter. To set a default value for a menu, enter a semi-colon as the delimiter and then enter an asterisk at the end of the default entry.
        For example, in "1;Test*", "1" is the value stored in the database, while "Test" is the label in the menu, and the asterisk at the end makes this the default entry.

    10. Click Submit

  3. To edit custom student screens:

    1. Click the name of the custom screen in the Screen column. 

    2. Edit the name of the custom student screen in the Name field.

    3. Click Submit

  4. To delete custom student screens:

    1. Click the name of the custom screen in the Screen column. 

    2. Click Delete.

    3. Click Confirm Delete

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