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School Affiliations

You can add different school affiliations to the teacher/staff user account. For every school added to this list, a record will be created at that school for the user. The user will be a staff member at that school and will display in search results and can be assigned sections. In the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal, users can switch to any active school in this list.

Any staff accessing the administrative portion of PowerSchool must also have at least one school affiliation record. If the staff member is not affiliated with any school, then select District Office on Add Schools.

Identify which school is the home school for the account. The designated home school is the default context the staff member sees when signed in to PowerSchool.

Add School Affiliations

  1. Navigate to the PowerTeacher Access and Affiliations page.
  2. Click Add
  3. Enter information as needed:



Indicate the schools you want this staff member to be affiliated with:

  • To narrow the list of schools, use the Basic Filter function. 
  • To associate this staff member with all schools, select the checkbox in the header row. 
  • To associate this staff member with individual schools, select the checkbox next to each school. 
    Selecting more than one school activates the School link on the navigation toolbar in the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal.

Staff Type

It is recommended that you assign a status to each staff member. This makes searching for and selecting staff members more efficient and can affect what directory the user is in for LDAP systems. To specify the staff member's status, choose one of the following:

  • Not Assigned 
  • Teacher 
  • Staff 
  • Lunch Staff 
  • Substitute
  1. Click OK
  2. Click Submit.

Modify School Affiliations

  1. Navigate to the PowerTeacher Access and Affiliations page.
  2. In the School Affiliations section, deselect the Active checkbox next to the school for which you want to remove access.
    Once you click Submit, the school still appears on the Security Settings page, but the access is no longer active.
  3. Click on the Staff Status field for a specific school to change the status, if needed. Select the status.
    The user's Staff Status at their home school is reported to LDAP servers regardless of their status at other schools.
  4. Click the Notes icon in the Action column. Enter any pertinent information about this school association for this staff account.
  5. Click Submit.

Change the Home School

  1. Navigate to the PowerTeacher Access and Affiliations page.
  2. Click Add
  3. Select Home School next to the school you want to designate as the home school for the staff account.
  4. Click Submit.

    The PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal always signs a user into their Home school before any other school. As a result, deselecting Active for a Home school will effectively disable access to all of the schools for that user account, since they will not be able to access the system to switch to any other school.

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