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Form Elements

From the Start Page, choose System Management, Forms, and Manage Forms to select and open a form in the Form Editor, then click Add Element to add form elements.



Supported Standard Forms

Single Line Text

A text box that allows the user of the form to type in data.

This element can utilize auto-complete data sets that type ahead for the user.

Collaborative – Student

Individual Response – Student

Fee Payments – Students

Individual Response – Teacher

Collaborative – Teacher

General Survey


Multiple Choice

A set of radio button options that allow the user to select only one option.

This element has an Allow Text Entry (Other) option. When selected, a text box appears that allows the user to type in a value that was not among the original options.

Collaborative – Student

Individual Response – Student

Fee Payments – Students

Individual Response – Teacher

Collaborative – Teacher

General Survey



A set of options in the form of checkboxes. Unlike the Multiple Choice element, the user can select multiple options, not just one.

Collaborative – Student

Individual Response – Student

Individual Response – Teacher

Collaborative – Teacher

General Survey

Paragraph Text

A large text box that can display multiple lines of text.

Collaborative – Student

Individual Response – Student

Fee Payments – Students

Individual Response – Teacher

Collaborative – Teacher

General Survey



A set of options in the form of a drop-down selection.

Similar to the Multiple Choice element, you can only select one option.

Collaborative – Student

Individual Response – Student

Fee Payments – Students

Individual Response – Teacher

Collaborative – Teacher

General Survey


Multi-Choice Dropdown

A set of choices from which you can select multiple options, not just one.

You can select an option with the pointer or begin typing an option name to filter the list options.

Collaborative – Student

Individual Response – Student

Fee Payments – Students

Individual Response – Teacher

Collaborative – Teacher

General Survey


Section Break

Acts as a divider between sections on the form or as a title bar for a section.

If you choose to not enter a title or description, the element appears as a horizontal line.

Collaborative – Student

Individual Response – Student

Fee Payments – Students

Individual Response – Teacher

Collaborative – Teacher

General Survey

Text Block

Holds read-only text. For example, instructions you want to convey to the user.

Collaborative – Student

Individual Response – Student

Fee Payments – Students

Individual Response – Teacher

Collaborative – Teacher

General Survey

Side-by-Side Container

A tool to organize your forms.

The container has three columns and can contain unlimited rows. You can drag and drop other elements onto the container and arrange them in a grid.

Select the option Render as Designed to display the elements, including blank spaces, on the form the same way they were designed in the Form Builder. 

You cannot place another side-by-side container or a collection table in the container.

Collaborative – Student

Individual Response – Student

Fee Payments – Students

Individual Response – Teacher

Collaborative – Teacher

General Survey


Collection Table

This element works in conjunction with PowerSchool’s Extended Schema.

It allows you to create an unlimited number of sub-records tied to either your student or faculty record. This can be useful for adding repeating data where you cannot predict the amount of data per response.

The element requires that you first create a database extension and table to link the collection table element to.

Collaborative – Student

Individual Response – Student

Individual Response – Teacher

Collaborative – Teacher

General Survey

Enhanced Collection Table

An enhanced version of the standard Collection Table element, which continues to exist for backward compatibility.

Unlike the regular collection table, you can create records that span multiple rows, similar to a side-by-side container. In addition, it is easier to link individual fields to the database fields.

Collaborative – Student

Individual Response – Student

Individual Response – Teacher

Collaborative – Teacher

General Survey


Allows a form to be password-protected. Only users who know the correct password can submit the form. The password can be generic to the form or specific to the student or teacher.

Collaborative – Student

Individual Response – Student

Individual Response – Teacher

Collaborative – Teacher

General Survey

Hidden Text

Used to submit data you do not need the end-user to see.

The element can be linked to PowerSchool fields. This allows you, for example, to track if the form was submitted or approved.

Collaborative – Student

Individual Response – Student

Individual Response – Teacher

Collaborative – Teacher

General Survey


PowerSchool Tag

This element requires advanced PowerSchool knowledge.

PowerSchool Data Access Tags are the primary feature that can be used, but PowerSchool Keywords can be used as well.

For example, placing ~[schoolname] in the field will produce the school’s name on your form.

Other useful data tags:

  • ~(yearname) – Displays version of the current school year.
  • ^(*gpa method=”weighted” type=”cumulative” term=”S1,S2”) – The GPA tag has many options for producing various grade point averages.

  • ~(*credit_hours) – Displays the number of the student’s cumulative historical earned credit hours.

  • ~(wm_tier; if.fieldvalue.1.then=yes;if.fieldvalue.0.then=no;if.fieldvalue.blank.then=no) – A method for decoding the value of a PowerSchool field (in this example wm_tier) whose values need interpreting for end-users.

  • ~[tlist_sql] Used to display the results of a SQL query.

Collaborative – Student

Individual Response – Student

Individual Response – Teacher

General Survey

Event Calendar

This element allows administrators and teachers to manage and share a calendar with their audience. This is helpful when creating events that the form users can sign up for. 

An example would be a parent/teacher conference. You can allow a set number of appointments per time slot for each teacher, and subsequent users will be forced to find and sign up for available slots.

Ecollect Forms supports only one Event Calendar element per form. 

Collaborative – Student

Individual Response – Student

Individual Response – Teacher

Collaborative – Teacher

General Survey

Response List

Shows a list of previous responses to a form. The responder and date are listed for each submission.

The list can be modified to show the values of other form elements submitted for each response.

Collaborative – Student

Individual Response – Student

Individual Response – Teacher

Collaborative – Teacher

General Survey

Cloud Document Attachment

Allows users to submit documents with a form.

Refer to Enable Form Document Attachment for details.

Collaborative – Student

Individual Response – Student

Individual Response – Teacher

Collaborative – Teacher

General Survey

SIS Document Attachment

Allows users to submit documents with a form.

Refer to Enable Form Document Attachment for details.

Collaborative – Student

Individual Response – Student


Allows users to utilize PowerSchool’s Contacts structure. Updates made in this element are reflected on the PowerSchool Contacts page and vice versa.

Collaborative – Student

Individual Response – Student

General Survey


The Race element is connected to your district's Race codes; responders have the option to add or update race information for students.

Collaborative – Student

Individual Response – Student

School Preference

Select schools that parents can choose to enroll their students in.


Entry Year

Choose accepted entry years.


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