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Work with Checked Students

Make Current Student Selection

  1. On the Class Roster page, do one of the following:

    • Select the Select All checkbox to select all students on the class roster. if the checkbox is already selected, deselect the checkbox to remove the checkmarks from all students on the class roster.

    • Select the checkbox for each student you want to work with. Click a student's name to view student pages for that student.

  2. Click Make Current Student Selection to make the selected students your current student selection.

Add to Current Student Selection

  1. On the Class Roster page, do one of the following:

    • Select the Select All checkbox to select all students on the class roster. If the checkbox is already selected, deselect the checkbox to remove the checkmarks from all students on the class roster.

    • Select the checkbox for each student you want to work with. Click a student's name to view student pages for that student.

  2. Click Add to Current Student Selection to add the selected students to your already existing current student selection.

Mass Enroll Checked Students into a Different Class

Using the Enroll into Different Class function, you can quickly and easily enroll students from this class into a different class.

  1. On the Class Roster page, do one of the following:

    • Select the Select All checkbox to select all students on the class roster. If the checkbox is already selected, deselect the checkbox to remove the checkmarks from all students on the class roster.

    • Select the checkbox for each student you want to work with. Click a student's name to view student pages for that student.

  2. Click Enroll into Different Class to enroll the selected students into a different class. 

  3. To continue, refer to Mass Enroll in a Class.

Mass Drop Checked Students from this Class

Using the Drop from this Class function, you can quickly and easily drop students from this class. When dropping students from this class, you have the option to enroll them into a different class.

  1. On the Class Roster page, do one of the following:

    • Select the Select All checkbox to select all students on the class roster. Alternately, if the checkbox is already selected, deselect the checkbox to remove the checkmarks from all students on the class roster.

    • Select the checkbox for each student you want to work with. Click a student's name to view student pages for that student.

  2. In the Use checked students to section, click Drop from this Class to drop the selected students from this class. If you click Back to return to the Class Roster page, the students you selected remain checked, but do not become the current student selection. Only when the Drop Students or Drop Students and Reschedule button is clicked do the checked students become the current student selection.

  3. All students in the current selection are evaluated to be dropped from the section. However, only students applicable to the section will be dropped.

    • To drop students from this class, click Drop Students. If the exit date is in the future, the students remain on the Class Roster page until the scheduled exit date.

    • To drop students from this class and enroll them into a different class, click Drop Students and Reschedule. The students will be removed from the class effective the scheduled exit date and the Mass Enroll page appears. Refer to Mass Enroll in a Class.



Clear attendance on and after Exit Date

If dropping a student who has attendance records on or after the exit date, select the checkbox to clear the attendance records. Clearing attendance records avoids attendance records being orphaned.

If all students listed have attendance records on or after the exit date, the Drop Students and Drop Students and Reschedule buttons appear shaded.

To perform attendance auditing, you can access the DBlog table using DDA to view attendance records that have been cleared using this function.


Confirmation or warning:

  • Delete enrollment - The student’s drop date is on or before the enrollment date and has no attendance associated with the section.

  • Delete enrollment, delete attendance records (count of each record type) - The student’s drop date is on or before the enrollment date and has attendance associated with the section.

  • Drop on [date] - The student’s enrollment can be dropped successfully.

  • Drop on [date], delete attendance records (count of each record type) - The student's enrollment can be dropped successfully.

  • None (not enrolled on [date]) - The student is not enrolled in the section.

  • None (student has attendance on or after [date]) - The student cannot be dropped because attendance records would be orphaned.

[Date] indicates the exit date if the exit date is within range of the term start/end dates. If it occurs after the term end date, then it is adjusted to equal the term end date. If it occurs before the term date begins, it is adjusted to equal the term begin date.

If all students listed cannot be dropped based on the action listed, the Drop Students and Drop Students and Reschedule buttons appear shaded.

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