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ReportWorks Queue

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Use the ReportWorks Queue to view, delete, cancel, and re-execute submitted reports.

Reports are organized by tabs. The System tab displays all preconfigured reports, while the ReportWorks tab displays all submitted reports that were created in ReportWorks. For more information about viewing preconfigured reports in the queue, refer to System Report Queue.

To view all jobs in the report queue regardless of the user, view the ReportWorks queue from the System Administrator menu. For more information, refer to ReportWorks Administrator Report Queue.

Administrators can also set preferences for the Report Queue. For more information, refer to Report Queue Preferences.

When you submit a ReportWorks report, if heap memory exceeds 75 percent on the server, the report will automatically cancel and a message appears on the Report Details dialog. When the report is submitted, the system will check the memory allocation at different intervals to assure memory usage does not exceed 95 percent while the report is being generated.

State Reporting Platform Reports

You can schedule when you want specific State Reporting Platform (SRP) reports to run using the Scheduling options, available on the report detail page of all SRP reports. Once submitted, the report displays on the Scheduled Reports section of the ReportWorks Report Queue in PowerSchool.

Set Automatic Page Refresh on the ReportWorks Report Queue

You can choose how often the Report Queue page refreshes. This feature is available on the System Reports Report Queue and the ReportWorks Report Queue.

  1. Navigate to the ReportWorks page.
  2. On the Refresh button, click the arrow.
  3. Set the unit of time for the automatic page updates; 30 seconds, one minute, five minutes, or 10 minutes.
    A countdown clock appears on the Refresh button and displays the time until the page updates, based on your selection.
  4. To cancel the automatic page refresh, click the arrow and select the Cancel button.

View Reports in the Report Queue

  1. Navigate to the ReportWorks page.
    Pending or running reports appear in the Queued Reports section. All other reports appear in the Completed Reports section.
  2. Click Refresh to update the page.

  3. Use the following table to view information in the fields:



Created On

The date the report was generated appears.

Report Name

Click the name to open the Report Details dialog. For more information, refer to the View Completed Report Details section.


The date and time the report job started appears.


The date and time the report job ended appears.

This field only displays in the Completed Reports section.

Created By

The username of the person who ran the report appears.

Output Type Icon

The output type of the associated report appears. Click the icon to view the report.


The status of the report job appears:

  • Completed: Job is finished. Click the hyperlink to view the report.
  • Running: Job is processing.
  • Pending: Job has not started.
  • Canceled: Job has been canceled.


Icons appear depending on the status of the report.

  • Click the trash can icon to delete a report.
  • Click the cancel icon to cancel a running report.
  • Click the regenerate icon to re-run the report.

Delete All

Click to delete all completed reports listed.

This field only displays in the Completed Reports section.

View Completed Report Details

When a report runs completely, view the job details.

  1. Navigate to the ReportWorks page.
  2. Click the Report Name. The Report Details dialog appears.
  3. Use the following table to view information in the fields:



    Report Name

    The name of the report appears.


    The report description appears.


    The status of the report job appears:

    • Completed: Job is finished. Click the hyperlink to view the report.
    • Running: Job is processing.
    • Pending: Job has not started.
    • Canceled: Job has been canceled.

    Created On

    The date the report was generated appears.

    Create By

    The username of the person who ran the report appears.


    The date and time the report job started appears.


    The date and time the report job ended appears.

    Error Code

    The code used to cancel the report appears.

    Error Message

    Details regarding the cancellation of the report appear.

    Parameter Name

    Lists the runtime option name(s) selected when running the report.

    Parameter Value

    List the runtime option value(s) selected when running the report.

  4. Click Close Details to close the dialog.
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