Using the Manage Recommendations page, you can manage student course recommendations. Course recommendations may be required as a prerequisite or they may be purely advisory, where a teacher wishes to advise a student on the path they feel best suits their talents and potential. One a recommendation is made, it appears on the student's Class Registration page in PowerSchool Parent.
View Recommendations
Use the following procedure to view course recommendations for a selected student.
- Navigate to the Course Request Management page.
Click Manage Recommendations to review recommendation information.
Add a Recommendation
Use the following procedure to create new course recommendations for a selected student.
- Navigate to the Course Request Management page.
- Click Manage Recommendations.
- Click Create New Recommendations.
Enter the number of the course for which you want to recommend.
- Choose the school year in which the course you want to recommend is scheduled.
- Enter any comments related to the recommendation.
- Click Submit.
Edit a Recommendation
Use the following procedure to edit existing course recommendations for a selected student.
- Navigate to the Course Request Management page.
- Click Manage Recommendations.
- Click the Pencil icon for the recommendation you want to edit.
- Enter information as needed.
- Click Submit.
Delete a Recommendation
Use the following procedure to delete existing course recommendations for a selected student.
- Navigate to the Course Request Management page.
- Click Manage Recommendations.
- Click the Pencil icon for the recommendation you want to delete.
- Click Delete.