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Monitor Security Activity

The Current Users page displays information about users that are currently signed in to PowerSchool, including their name, IP address, and time they last signed in to the system.

View a List of Current Users

The list of current users is view-only for all users.

  1. Navigate to the Current Users page.
  2. Use the following table to understand the information in the fields:




    The user group that this user belongs to.


    The name of the user.

    Sign In

    The time the user last signed in to the system.


    The number of page item requests since the user last signed in to the system.


    The time of user's last hit.

    IP Address

    The user's computer IP address. This field also displays the user's operating system and Web browser type and version.


    The user's hardware system.


    The user's software application used to locate and display Web pages.

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