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Import and Export

Use PowerSchool's import functions to submit large amounts of information into the system. Use the export functions to retrieve large amounts of information from the system. Before importing or exporting, keep the following in mind:

Importing Enrollment Dates

You can import student information into PowerSchool using Quick Import or AutoComm. When you import a student record that has an enrollment date prior to or "less than" the current date, the student record is considered "historical." Historical student records are considered inactive students. Therefore, when searching for such students, your search criteria must start with a slash ("/") to search all student records.

Importing Enrollment IDs


  • If the EnrollmentID column (Students table) or ID column (ReEnrollments table) is not included in the import, PowerSchool retains the existing value (on an update to a Students table record) or generates a new unique value.
  • If the EnrollmentID column (Students table) or ID column (ReEnrollments table) is included in the import with data (values), PowerSchool uses the imported value, assuming it is not already in use by another enrollment. If it is in use, an error message indicating such displays.
  • If the EnrollmentID column (Students table) or ID column (ReEnrollments table) is included in the import without data (values), PowerSchool generates a new value, even if one already exists. In general, this is not recommended, as existing information may be used for state reporting.
  • The Students table allows for updating of records, whereas the ReEnrollments table does not.

Students Table

  • In general, it is recommended to not include the EnrollmentID column when importing into the Students table. When the EnrollmentID column is not included, PowerSchool automatically determines if an EnrollmentID value already exists. If one exists, the value is retained. If one does not exist, a value is generated.
  • Only under certain circumstances it is recommended to include the EnrollmentID column when importing into the Students table. For example, if a Student record has been deleted and needs to be restored from a test or backup server, including the EnrollmentID column would restore the EnrollmentID value back to what it was prior to the deletion of the record (unless the EnrollmentID was different on the test or backup server, in which case it is recommended to not include the EnrollmentID and let PowerSchool generate one). Note that this is just one example where it is recommended to include the EnrollmentID column when importing into the Students table.
  • Importing an EnrollmentID column that does not contain data (or contains values of zero) causes EnrollmentIDs to be regenerated for all the imported records, regardless of whether or not an Enrollment ID exists for the record. In general, including the EnrollmentID column without values (or with values of zero) is not recommended.
  • If importing new students, you do not need to include the EnrollmentID column. PowerSchool generates a value during the import.

ReEnrollments Table

  • The ReEnrollments table does not allow for updating of records. Therefore, to "update" a record, first export the existing data (including the ID field), delete the existing record and then re-import the record with the updated data. When re-importing, include the ID column with the exported values so that the ID will not be regenerated.
  • If the ID is left blank or if the ID column is not included, a new ID is generated. In general, this is not recommended as existing information may be used for state reporting.
  • "Updating" should be done with caution. It is recommended you perform the update on a test or backup server first prior to performing on a production server.
  • If importing new reenrollments, you do not need to include the ID column. PowerSchool generates a value during the import.

Student Number Field

The student number field is essential to moving all of the data in PowerSchool. This field matches student data to the correct student with absolute certainty. Each student has only one number, and everything in PowerSchool is linked to this number. Thus, you should include the student_number field in all documents that you export. You must include the student number in any document that includes data you want to import into PowerSchool. Keep this in mind when exporting, especially if you want to import the data back into PowerSchool after you have worked with it in your spreadsheet application.

Enroll Status Field

The enroll status field indicates a student's current enrollment status, which defines the student's entire basis in school. Enroll status codes include:

  • -2 or less = Inactive (Must be set manually by an administrator)
  • -1 = Pre-registered
  • 0 = Active
  • 1 = Inactive (Must be set manually by an administrator)
  • 2 = Transferred-Out
  • 3 = Graduated Students (Students moved to the "Graduated Students" school.)
  • 4 = Imported as Historical
  • 5 or higher = Inactive (Must be set manually by an administrator)

More often than not, the only time you will view this code is if you are working within the database. However, you may encounter the code within the student pages of the application for students with a enroll status other than Active, such as Inactive, Graduated Students, or Imported as Historical. In this case, the code appears at the top of the page. This field is used throughout the application and is a key element in searching or querying students.

Field Names

It is important to spell field names correctly. Case sensitivity is unimportant in field names, but spelling must be exactly as noted on the field list. If you omit the underscore, misspell words, or enter a field name that is different from what exists in the field list, PowerSchool cannot find the field and it will not be imported into or exported from the PowerSchool database. If you do not know how a specific field name is written, click View Field List on the PowerSchool start page.

Special Export Codes

Use special export codes to include a student's GPA or other calculated value in your import or export. For more information about data codes, refer to PowerSchool Data Codes. You will need your username and password to sign in. If you do not have this information, contact your System Administrator.

Data Versus Reports

Importing or exporting data is different than importing or exporting report templates. When you import or export data, you move information between a spreadsheet application and your PowerSchool database. When importing or exporting a report template, you are copying report parameters from one PowerSchool system to another PowerSchool system.

SIS Views

SIS Views provide quick access to key metrics and not just raw data. These pre-defined SQL queries extract data that can be joined together and filtered to provide customized results. For detailed information, refer to the Data Dictionary SIS Views.

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