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Export Contacts

Using the Data Export Manager, you can export contact information from PowerSchool by choosing PowerSchool Data Sets from the Category pop-up menu, and then Contacts from the Export From menu. Additionally, you can export legacy contact information from PowerSchool by choosing PowerSchool Data Sets from the Category menu, and then Student Legacy Contacts from the Export From menu.

About Exporting Contacts

The Contacts module provides the ability to export a contact along with associated addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and students. When exporting contacts:

  • At least one row will be rendered for every contact in the export.
  • Multiple rows will be rendered if a contact has multiple instances of any mapped column value. For example, if the email address column is selected for export and the contact has two email address records then two rows will be rendered.
  • The number of rows rendered for a contact will be equal to the greatest number of repeated column values that were selected for export. A simple example is if a contact has 2 emails, 3 phones, 1 address and 4 students (each with a single detail record) then 4 rows will be rendered. In that same example, if each student had 2 detail records then 8 rows would be rendered.
  • If multiple rows are rendered, the contact ID, DCID and name fields will be rendered on each row (when selected for export). The remaining "Person" columns will only be rendered on the first row.
  • Extended table and child table columns can be selected for export. It is recommended, but not necessary, to include related core table fields in order to do so.
  • Extended table values will be rendered on a single row. That row will be the first row on which any related core table fields appear.
  • Child table values will appear on a separate row for each child record.
  • When multiple child records are rendered for a single parent record, all the parent record's mapped fields are repeated on each row along with the child data. This is true for both student contact details (child of student contact) and any child table extensions.

When exporting contacts, you can use the Built In Filters to narrow the list of results:


Students to Include

Select the checkbox to limit the export to contacts that are associated with the selected students.

Students to include dependent upon whether you are signed in at the school or district level.

Contact Status

Indicate which types of contacts you want to export:

  • All - Both active and inactive contacts
  • Active - Only active contacts
  • Inactive - Only inactive contacts

Access Account

Indicate which access account types you want to export:

  • All - All access account types
  • No Access Account - Only contacts that do not have an access account
  • Has Access Account - Only contacts that do have an access account
  • Has Active Access Account - Only contacts that do have an enabled access account
  • Has Inactive Access Account - Only contacts that do have an access account, but has yet to be enabled
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