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Student Schedule Reports

Run the Student Schedule List Report

Use the Student Schedule List report to view the number of courses scheduled by each student. You can also use this report to view each student's schedule.

  1. Navigate to the PowerScheduler page. 
  2. Under Tools, choose Reports
  3. Click Student Schedule List
  4.  Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Students to Include

    Number of students included in scheduling for next year. If a student or group of students have been selected, choose to run the report for only that student selection or for all students.

    In the Include Only In Grades field, enter the numbers of the grade levels you want to include in this report (optional).

    Report Output Locale

    Select the locale. The report output will be in the language associated with the locale. 

    Clicking on hyperlinks within the report may display a different page in PowerSchool, which will appear in your preferred language and not in the locale you selected for the report output.

  5. Click Submit

Run the Student Schedule Report

The Student Schedule Matrix allows you to produce and print student schedule reports with page breaks between students. Though this report can be viewed with Safari for Mac OS X and Microsoft Internet Explorer for Windows, other browsers may not display the report formatting appropriately.

  1. Navigate to the PowerScheduler page. 
  2. Under Tools, choose Reports
  3. Click Student Schedule Report
  4. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Report Title

    Enter a title for the report.

    Term to Display

    Select which term to use for the report.

    Students to scan

    Select an option to indicate the students to include, if applicable.

    Max Students per Page

    Enter the maximum number of student reports to display per page.

    Sort Order

    Select an option to indicate the sort order:

    • Last Name
    • (Next Year) Grade Level
    • Homeroom

    Show Other-School Enrollments

    Select the checkbox to display any enrollments at other schools. The enrollments are based on the selected scenarios.

    Color Sections By:

    Select an option for the report colors:

    • No Coloring: Report displays no coloration.
    • Section: Report displays sections in the same color.
    • Course: Report displays courses in the same color.

    Report Output Locale

    Select the locale. The report output will be in the language associated with the locale.

  5. Click Submit

Run the Student Schedule Matrix Report

The Student Schedule Matrix allows you to produce and print student schedules for the current year with page breaks between students. Though this report can be viewed with Safari for Mac OS X and Microsoft Internet Explorer for Windows, other browsers may not appropriately display the report formatting.

  1. Navigate to the Student Schedule Report page.
  2. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Report Title

    Enter a title for the report.

    Students to scan

    Select an option to indicate the students to include, if applicable.

    Max Students per Page

    Enter the maximum number of students to display per page.

    Sort Order

    Select an option to indicate the sort order.

    Include Active Enrollments As Of

    Enter a date to filter report results by the specified date of active enrollments. Use the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy.

    Show Dropped Enrollments in Separate List

    Select the checkbox to display a student's dropped enrollments below the student's matrix. A Withdrawn Classes table displays the enrollment information for each dropped course, including the date of withdrawal.

    Bell Schedule for Period Start/End Times

    Select which bell schedule to use to display the start and end times for each period.

    Color Sections By:

    Select an option for the report colors:

    • No Coloring: Report displays no coloration.
    • Section: Report displays sections in the same color.
    • Course: Report displays courses in the same color.
  3. Click Submit

Tips for Printing the Student Schedule Matrix Report

  • Enable the printing of backgrounds. Shading and colorations in reports are all considered backgrounds. Not printing backgrounds may lead to illegible printouts.
  • Turn off the printing of header information in your browser settings. If this is not off, each page printed may include the URL of this page, a page number, and a time stamp. These are generally not desired for this report.
  • Use your browser's Print Preview function to confirm that the output is correct prior to sending to the printer. You may adjust text size using the text font size controls of your browser. You may also control the page orientation using your browser settings to fix table cells that span page breaks or reports that print too small.

Run the Under-Scheduled Students Report

Use the Under-Scheduled Students report to determine the number of students who have been under-scheduled for each period.

  1. Navigate to the PowerScheduler page. 
  2. Under Tools, choose Reports
  3. Click Under-scheduled Students.
  4. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Students to Include

    Number of students included in scheduling for next year. If a student or group of students have been selected, choose to run the report for only that student selection or for all students.

    In the Include Only In Grades field, enter the numbers of the grade levels you want to include in this report (optional).

    Report Output Locale

    Select the locale. The report output will be in the language associated with the locale. 

  5. Click Submit. The report displays the following information:



    # of Blocks

    The number of blocks, or units, available in the schedule. Units are periods multiplied by the number of days multiplied by the number of schedule terms. For example, a scenario with 2 days, 8 periods, and 4 terms would have 64 blocks.


    The number of blocks divided by the total number of blocks possible.

    # of Students

    The number of students who have the corresponding number of blocks scheduled.


    The percentage of the total number of students that have the corresponding number of blocks scheduled.

Run the Unscheduled Rooms Report

Use the Unscheduled Rooms report to determine the number of rooms that have not been scheduled for classes per term, period, and day.

  1. Navigate to the PowerScheduler page. 
  2. Under Tools, choose Reports
  3. Click Unscheduled Rooms
  4. Select the Report Output Locale
  5. Click Submit



    Term Period Day Description

    The term, period, and schedule day in which there are unscheduled rooms.

    of Rooms

    The number of unscheduled rooms for each term, period, and day. Click the number of rooms to display the list of rooms.

Run the Unscheduled Students Report

Use the Unscheduled Students report to determine the number of students who have not been scheduled into classes per term, period, and day. When making adjustments after loading student schedules, school counselors can use this report to find "holes" in student schedules.

  1. Navigate to the PowerScheduler page. 
  2. Under Tools, choose Reports
  3. Click Unscheduled Students
  4. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Students to Include

    Number of students included in scheduling for next year. If a student or group of students have been selected, choose to run the report for only that student selection or for all students.

    In the Include Only In Grades field, enter the numbers of the grade levels you want to include in this report (optional).

    Report Output Locale

    Select the locale. The report output will be in the language associated with the locale. 

  5. Click Submit. The report displays the following information:



    Term Period Day Description

    The term, period, and schedule day in which there are unscheduled students.

    of Students

    The number of unscheduled students for each term, period, and day. Click the number of students to display the list of students, from which you can select students and perform functions for the group of students.

Run the Unscheduled Teachers Report

Use the Unscheduled Teachers report to determine the number of teachers who have not been scheduled into classes per term, period, and day.

  1. Navigate to the PowerScheduler page. 
  2. Under Tools, choose Reports
  3. Click Unscheduled Teachers
  4. Select the Report Output Locale
  5. Click Submit. The report displays the following information:



    Term Period Day Description

    The term, period, and schedule day in which there are unscheduled teachers.

    # of Teachers

    The number of unscheduled teachers for each term, period, and day. Click the number of teachers to display the list of teachers.

Run the Percent Schedule By Students Report

Use the Percent Schedule By Students report to determine how successful your current schedule is based on percentage scheduled calculations for a given student for the active PowerScheduler scenario

  1. Navigate to the PowerScheduler page. 
  2. Under Tools, choose Reports
  3. Click Percent Schedule By Students
  4. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Students to Include

    Number of students included in scheduling for next year. If a student or group of students have been selected, choose to run the report for only that student selection or for all students.

    In the Include Only In Grades field, enter the numbers of the grade levels you want to include in this report (optional).

    Report Output Locale

    Select the locale. The report output will be in the language associated with the locale.

  5. Click Submit. The report displays the following information:



    Student Name

    Name of the student.

    Next Year Grade

    Students' grade levels for next year. This report sorts by next year grade level followed by student name.


    Number of course requests made by the student.

    Classes Scheduled

    Number of classes scheduled for the student.

    % Scheduled

    Percent scheduled based on all possible time slots that can be scheduled according to periods, days, and terms.

    % Core Periods

    Percent of core periods scheduled based on all possible time slots that can be scheduled according to periods, days, and terms. Core periods are flagged as such and are the periods in which the school expects students to be scheduled.

    % Primary Requests

    Percent of primary requests (non-alternate requests) that were successfully filled.

    % All Requests

    Percent of total requests including alternate requests that were filled.

Run the Individual Student Conflict Matrix Report

Use the Individual Student Conflict Matrix report to identify whether it is possible to rearrange a student's schedule so that more or all of their course requests can be fulfilled.

In the process of scheduling, it is inevitable that some students will not have all their requests fulfilled. This is often due to limited resource availability but it can also be due to inherent limitations of using a scheduling engine. At some point, the effort that the engine expends investigating the different possibilities of a schedule runs into diminishing returns. While PowerSchool's scheduling engine often reaches into the 90 percent fulfillment of requests range, manual intervention is necessary at some point to achieve an even higher percentage. Often it requires investigating students to identify why all of their requests were not scheduled.

While PowerSchool provides reports that identify unfilled requests, you must investigate various other reports to determine how, or even if, a particular request can be filled. Questions that a scheduling administrator might ask include: "Are any of the sections of the requested class available during an unscheduled period for the student?", "If not, can I reschedule a filled class so that the student can be scheduled into the missed one?", "Is there enough room in another class so that I can squeeze the student in?". This report provides sufficient information for an administrator to begin answering these questions.

As an example, consider four sections: Course A1 with no section type, Course A2 with a section type of Bilingual, Course B1 with no section type, and Course B2 with a section type of Bilingual. If a student requests Course A1 with an alternate of Course B and gets enrolled in B so that it appears as an alternate on the report, the report displays both sections of Course B but only one section of Course A. The same result appears if the student does not request Course B as a primary or alternate request but is enrolled in the course, anyway; all sections appear on the report regardless of section type.

  1. Navigate to the PowerScheduler page. 
  2. Under Tools, choose Reports
  3. Click Individual Student Conflict Matrix
  4. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Students to Include

    Select the students you want to run the report for:

    • Select The selected students only to run the report students in the current selection enrolled in the date range specified.
    • Select All students to run the report for all students in the current school enrolled in the date range specified.

    Filter Students By

    Select how you want students to be filtered:

    • Select Students with requests to view only students who have requests in the course request file.
    • Select Include students with no requests to view students with requests as well as those without any requests.
    • Select Only students with unfilled requests to view only students who have requests existing in the course request file with no corresponding scheduled course.

    Sort Order

    Select the sort order:

    • Student Name
    • Grade Level

    Many times scheduling administrators work with students on a grade-by-grade basis and it is useful to see all those students in the lowest grade first, then the next, and so on.

    Enforce Teams

    Select the checkbox so that only sections that belong to the student’s team appear in the report.

    In case of an unassigned team, the section is listed.

    Enforce Houses

    Select the checkbox so that only sections that belong to the student’s house appear in the report.

    In case of an unassigned house, the section is listed.

    Enforces Buildings

    Select the checkbox so that only sections occurring in a room belonging to the student’s assigned building appear in the report.

    In case of an unassigned room, the section is listed.

    Enforce Student Avoid

    Select the checkbox so that only sections that do not violate an existing student-student avoid constraint for the students appearing in the report.

    In case the student is already enrolled in a section that violates this constraint, the section is listed.

    Enforce Teacher Avoid

    Select the checkbox so that only sections that do not violate an existing student-teacher avoid constraint for the student appear in the report.

    In case the student is already enrolled in a section that violates this constraint, the section is listed.

    Enforce Free Time

    Select the checkbox so that only sections that do not violate an existing student free time constraint appears in the report.

    In case the student is already enrolled in a section that violates this constraint, the section is listed.

    Report Output Locale

    Select the locale. The report output will be in the language associated with the locale.

  5. Click Submit. The report displays the following information:



    Student Number

    The student’s number.

    Student Name

    The student’s last name, first name, and middle initial.

    Next Year Grade

    The next year grade level of the student.


    The classes for which a primary request exists for the student.


    Identifies whether the request is an alternate request as opposed to a primary request.

    Section Type

    Identifies any section type that was part of the request.


    The course number of the requested (or alternate) course.

    Course Name

    The course name of the requested (or alternate) course.


    The term for which sections of the requested course has been scheduled.


    The period for which sections of the requested course have been scheduled.

    Section Number

    The identification number of the section (course number plus section) in which the student is enrolled. In the case of requests that were not scheduled, "Unscheduled" displays.


    The period/day combination.

    # Sec

    The total number of sections that are available for the requested course.

Run the Teacher Maximum Load Report

Use the Teacher Maximum Load Report to identify teachers who are scheduled to teach more students in a day than is allowed by their contracts. This report displays expected loads based on the schedule in PowerScheduler. For more information about setting the value of a teacher's maximum load, refer to Teacher Scheduling Information.

Sections can be exempted from counting towards a teacher's maximum load. For more information, refer to Teacher Scheduling Information.

A similar report is available for the current year, which is especially helpful when performing walk-in scheduling.

  1. On the start page, choose PowerScheduler under Applications in the main menu. 
  2. Under Tools, choose Reports from the PowerScheduler menu. 
  3. Click Teacher Maximum Load Report
  4. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Select a Teacher

    Select the teacher for whom you want to run this report. To select all teachers at the selected school, choose All Teachers.

    Limit report to

    Select an option to limit the results of the report:

    • All Selected Teacher(s): Displays results for all teachers selected in the Select a Teacher field, even those whose schedules do not exceed their maximum loads.
    • Only those over the limit: Displays only the teachers selected in the Select a Teacher field that exceed the specified student load.

    For this date

    Enter a date to display report results as of the specified date. Use the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy.

    Report Output Locale

    Select the locale. The report output will be in the language associated with the locale.

  5. Click Submit. The report displays the following information:




    The teacher's number.

    Teacher Name

    The teacher’s last name, first name, middle initial.


    The name of the course that has a section contributing to the teacher's student load.


    The identification number of the section contributing to the teacher's student load.

    To exempt a section from being included, refer to Sections.


    Maximum number of students allowed in the section.


    Room number of the section.


    Cycle day of the school's schedule, such as A or B.


    Indicates whether a maximum load or section maximum has been exceeded.

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