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Staff Transactions

Use this page to view or record any fee-related transactions for the selected staff member. Transactions such as meal purchases automatically appear on the Transactions page. Since PowerLunch records meal purchases, do not use the Transactions page to enter meal purchases.

Record Staff Transactions

Use this page to enter transactions such as campus bookstore purchases and payments to staff member accounts. Since PowerLunch records meal purchases, do not use the Transactions page to enter meal purchases.

Transactions cannot be deleted. However, you can reverse a transaction by adding an opposite transaction. For example, if you enter a credit transaction but meant to enter a debit transaction, enter two debit transactions of the same amount. Enter in the Description field text such as "Reverse accidental credit transaction" for one of the debit transactions.

  1. Navigate to the Transactions page.
  2. Click New to record a new transaction.

    Do not manually record transactions that are normally automated transactions, such as PowerLunch Quicksales. For more information, refer to PowerLunch.

  3. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:


    Date of Transaction

    Enter the transaction date using the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy. If you do not use this format, an alert appears. If you submit the date with an incorrect format, the date field is submitted as a blank entry.


    Enter a description for the transaction. Only the first 24 characters and spaces of the description appear on the Transactions page.


    Enter an amount for the transaction to decrease the balance on the staff member's account. If you enter a debit, do not enter anything in the Credit field. Record credit transactions separately.


    Enter an amount for the transaction to increase the balance on the staff member's account. If you enter a credit, do not enter anything in the Debit field. Record debit transactions separately.

  4. Click Submit
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