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Special Operations

On this page:

Use Special Operations to perform a variety of specialized procedures for your school's PowerSchool data as directed by PowerSchool Technical Support. For example, run the special operation Clear student photos to remove all student photos from the selected school.

To recalculate lunch balances for all students, select the Recalculate lunch balances operation.

Run a Special Operation

  1. Navigate to the Special Data Operations page. 
  2. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:




    Choose the operation from the menu.


    Choose the task server you want to start from the menu.

    Param 1

    Enter the information provided by PowerSchool Technical Support.

    Param 2

    Enter the information provided by PowerSchool Technical Support.


    Enter the information provided by PowerSchool Technical Support.

  3. Click Submit

Stop Or Start the Task Server

The task server runs on each node and runs five-minute, hourly, nightly, monthly, etc., jobs. If an issue arises during one of these jobs, you can temporarily suspend the task server using the Stop Task Server special operation in order to troubleshoot the issue. Once you have resolved the issue, you will want to immediately restart the task server using the Start Task Server special operation. Restarting the task server It will automatically restart the node.

  1. Navigate to the Special Data Operations page. 
  2. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:




    Do one of the following:

    • To stop the task server, choose Stop Task Server from the menu.
    • To restart the task server, choose Start Task Server from the menu.


    Do one of the following:

    • Choose the task server you want to stop from the menu.
    • Choose the task server you want to restart from the menu.
  3. Click Submit
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