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Meeting/Interval Attendance

For the days without a code in PowerSchool, your school can track meeting attendance, interval attendance, daily attendance, and time attendance. Students' meeting and interval attendance records indicate their absences and tardies in each class period during the school day. Interval attendance allows for multiple attendance records per period. Students' daily attendance records indicate their absences, tardies, and arrival and dismissal times for an entire school day. Time attendance is a simple way of adding attendance value by entering total minutes or hours for a given day.

Use the Meeting/Interval Attendance function to view or change a student's attendance record. Each column represents one week, with the days of the week MTWTF) underlined. Attendance codes are noted in the chart under each day. In the case of meeting attendance, the days without a code indicating that the student was present. With interval attendance, all days and periods must have a code.

Meeting and interval attendance functions share the same page. The primary difference between the two is that meeting allows for only one attendance record per period while interval attendance allows for multiple attendance records per period based on the specified interval. Whether the class is meeting or interval is determined by what is specified for the section in the Section Setup page. Interval attendance may not appear any different from meeting attendance if the period length is less than or equal to the specified interval duration defined in Attendance Preferences

Enable Enter Attendance Link on Student Pages Menu

A shortcut to the Modify Meeting Attendance page is available just below the Attendance page in the student pages menu. To enable the Modify Attendance link to appear in the student pages menu, Meeting or Interval must be selected as one of the attendance recording methods and set as the default attendance recording page on the Attendance Preferences page.

Take Meeting or Interval Attendance for a Single Day/Period

Use this procedure to take Meeting or Interval attendance for the selected student. You can mark or change a single attendance instance in a selected week. Any change recorded for meeting attendance modifies daily attendance if daily attendance is enabled and the period associated with the meeting attendance being modified is the bridge period for that day. Interval attendance never modifies daily attendance.

  1. Navigate to the Meeting Attendance page. A dash (-) indicates that school is not in session and/or the student is not enrolled on that date.
  2. Click the week link in a week that you want to enter or change attendance. 

  3. Choose the attendance code you want to enter.
  4. If a student is late to school, you can generate an admin slip for the student to authorize the student to proceed to class. The admit slip displays the student's name, grade, homeroom, today's date, period(s) missed, clock in/clock out times if applicable, and a signature line for the parent/teacher. Upon clicking Save, the admit slip appears in a separate pop-up. Print and provide to the student.
  5. To add a Clock In/Clock Out record:

    1. Click the Clock.
    2. Enter information as needed. If thresholds are set, an attendance code may be recommended.
    3. For quick attendance entry, select Fill Subsequent Periods to fill all subsequent periods with the selected attendance code.
    4. Click Save.
  6. Click to enter the selected attendance code in a specific period and/or interval field or choose a different attendance code.

  7. Click Submit

Take Meeting Attendance for an Extended Day/Period

Use this procedure to take meeting attendance for the select student. You can mark or change a student's attendance records for blocks of time. This is particularly useful when the student has been or will be out for an extended period. To change a student's attendance record for an extended period, it is easiest to use this method. Any change recorded for meeting attendance modifies daily attendance if the following conditions are met: daily attendance is enabled and the period associated with the meeting attendance being modified is the bridge period for that day.

  1. Navigate to the Meeting Attendance page. A dash (-) indicates that school is not in session and/or the student is not enrolled on that date.
  2. Click Change Meeting Attendance
  3. Enter information as needed.

  4. Click Submit.

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