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Mass Update Attendance

Change the attendance records either for one date range, day, or period for a selected group of students. In addition, you can change the attendance records either retroactively or in advance using either Meeting or Daily attendance. Meeting attendance is taken each time a class meets, whereas Daily attendance is taken for an entire school day. 

Change Group Attendance (Meeting)

  1. Navigate to the Mass Update Attendance page.
  2. Enter the date range.
  3. Select the appropriate Meetings to scan or click Select All to mark attendance for the entire day.
  4. Select the Codes to scan for by selecting All or selecting These Codes and then choosing the attendance codes for which you want to scan.
  5. Choose the attendance code to apply to the date range.
  6. Select an option for If other than a default present to either overwrite or not overwrite any existing attendance codes.

  7. Click Submit. To verify that you entered the correct codes, search for and select one of the students in the group. Then, view the student's Attendance page.

Change Group Attendance (Daily)

  1. Navigate to the Mass Update Attendance page.
  2. Click Daily
  3. Enter the date range.
  4. Select the Codes to scan for by selecting All or selecting These Codes and then choosing the attendance codes for which you want to scan.
  5. Choose the attendance code to apply to the date range.
  6. Select an option for If other than a default present to either overwrite or not overwrite any existing attendance codes.

  7. Click Submit. To verify that you entered the correct codes, search for and select one of the students in the group. 
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