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Health Management

Health Management provides a tool to assist your school district with capturing, managing, and reporting student health-related information, including immunizations, screenings, office visits, grade level entry certifications, health plans, and monitoring.

When viewing student information, if a View (eye) icon appears instead of the Edit (pencil) icon, you have view-only access to this information.

With Enhanced Health Management enabled, you can also work with medications, health concerns, physicals, PE waivers, contact log, and other student health-related information.

The following offers a side-by-side comparison between health management and enhanced health management:

State/Province Reporting

For state/province-specific information, see PowerSchool's recommended state/province-specific setup of Health Management settings available in your state/province reporting setup guide. If there is no state/province-specific setup specified in your state/province reporting setup guide, you do not have PowerSchool state/province-required Immunization reports that are supported at this time. Therefore, no state/province-specific setup considerations need to be taken into account. You may set up Health Management as needed by your district.

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