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The Favorites feature is only available when the Enhanced UI is enabled.

Favoriting pages creates a private, custom list of pages that you can access separately from the main navigation. Access your Favorites drawer by clicking Favorites (star icon) in the site header. To keep the Favorites drawer open while you work in the SIS, you can click Pin Open (pin icon).

Favorite a Page

  1. Navigate to a page.
  2. Click Add to Favorites (star icon) next to the page name.
  3. Either select an existing category or create a new category.
  4. Click Add Page.

You can now navigate to the page by navigating to the Favorites drawer and clicking the page name. If you are unable to add a page to your Favorites, it may be a page that is not listed in the main navigation.

Manage Favorites

  1. Navigate to the Favorites drawer.
  2. Click Manage Favorites.
  3. Click the ellipsis icon next to a page you want to edit.
  4. Select an action from the menu:
    1. Duplicate makes a copy of the page so you can have more than one instance of it in your Favorites.
    2. Delete removes the page from your Favorites.
    3. Move To allows you to change the category that the page is in. This option is only available if you have more than one category in your Favorites.
    4. Reorder allows you to change the order of the pages in that category. This option is only available if you have more than one page in the category.
  5. Click the ellipsis icon next to a category you want to edit.
  6. Select an action from the menu:
    1. Rename allows you to change the name of the category.
    2. Delete removes the category from your Favorites. This will also remove all the pages within that category.
    3. Reorder allows you to change the order of categories.
  7. To move a page or category to a different location without using the action menu, click and hold the icon with the five bars next to the page or category name and drag the item to a different location.
  8. Click Save.

You can view all pages in your Favorites regardless of whether you are currently in the school or district context. However, you can only navigate to pages that are in your current context from the Favorites drawer.

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