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View Single Sign-On Settings

Using the Single Sign-On Settings page, you can quickly and easily view detailed information about single sign-on settings that have been added to PowerSchool as part of the plugin installation. Additionally, you can use this page to correct or update single sign-on settings as needed.

Note: This procedure is only applicable if the plugin configuration file you installed declares single sign-on links.

View Single Sign-On Settings (OpenID)

  1. On the start page, choose System under Setup in the main menu. 
  2. Under Server, click System Settings.
  3. Click Plugin Management Configuration.
  4. Click the name of the plugin you want to configure.
  5. Click Single Sign-On Settings. The Single Sign-On Settings page for the selected plugin displays the following information:

    Note: Update information if needed.




    The name of the plugin, such as Plugin.

    Note: This field is read-only.

    Host Name or IP Address

    The relying party's host name, such as

    Note: This is a required field.


    The relying party's port number. The default value is 443.

    Note: This is a required field.

  6. Click Save

View Single Sign-On Settings (SAML)

Note: This procedure is for a plugin that defines PowerSchool as a SAML Identity Provider. For a plugin that defines PowerSchool as a Service Provider, see PowerSchool SIS as SAML Service Provider.

  1. On the start page, choose System under Setup in the main menu. 
  2. Under Server, click System Settings
  3. Click Plugin Management Configuration
  4. Click the name of the plugin you want to configure. 
  5. Click Single Sign-On Settings
  6. Use the following table to enter information in the PowerSchool Identity Provider Settings fields:

    Note: Update information if needed.




    The PowerSchool identity provider's name. The default is set to PowerSchool IDP.

    Entity ID

    The PowerSchool identity provider's entity ID. The default value is a unique 36 character alphanumeric string prefaced with https://.

    Single Sign-on Certificate

    Choose the appropriate PowerSchool identity provider's single sign-on certificate from the pop-up menu. This is the certificate that contains the PowerSchool X.509 client certificate.

    View PowerSchool IDP Metadata

    The PowerSchool IDP Metadata describes the services offered by the PowerSchool identity provider along with the names and formats of data items passed to the service provider when a user is authenticated.

    1. Click to view the PowerSchool identity provider's metadata. A separate window appears.
    2. When done viewing, close the window.
  7. Use the following table to enter information in the Service Provider Settings fields:

    Note: Update information if needed.




    The service provider’s name. The value is part of the data imported during plugin install.

    Base URL

    The service provider’s base URL. This is the root of all URLs for the service provider application.

    Metadata URL

    The service provider’s metadata URL. The value is supplied by the service provider, which allows the IDP to communicate with the service provider application.

    Host Server and Port

    The service provider's entity-ID, which is used to identify the service provider when the service provider initiates single sign-on.

  8. Click Save
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