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Seats Available Chart for Visual Scheduler

The seats available chart overlays the schedule and auto calculates the number of seats that have been made available for each grade level for each period in the schedule. The seats available chart is updated as information changes in the master schedule grid.

Show the Seats Available Chart

By default, the Seats Available Chart appears hidden. To show, click the Show Seats Available Chart arrow to the right of the master schedule grid.

View the Seats Available Chart

Once the Seats Available Chart loads, the following information appears:

  • The name of each grade and the number of students enrolled in the grade
  • The days (if the scenario contains multiple days)
  • The sum of total seats that is available to satisfy the course requests per period, per day (if multiple-day scenario) and per term.

Note: When terms overlap within a given day, period, and grade level, seats available are tallied and displayed by term. Terms are determined to be overlapping when the term segments will not evenly divide the term with the maximum number of segments.

Hide the Seats Available Chart

To hide, click again (now the Hide Seats Available arrow).

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