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School Counselor DATs


This page describes the behavior of the schoolcounselors DAT. 


  • Lists all counselors available at a school

  • If no counselors are available at a school, an empty string is returned.

Important Notes

  • The *schoolcounselors DAT is always run from the student’s perspective.

  • Without the “all” parameter provided, the tag returns only counselors available at the school of the current student.

  • The DAT sorts counselors by first and last name. If the “all” parameter is specified, the sort is by school, then first/last name.



Separated by semicolon

form on WEB page


form on Object Report

^(*schoolcounselors[;...]) or ~(*schoolcounselors[;...])

form in Quick Export

^(*schoolcounselors[;...]) or ~(*schoolcounselors[;...])

from Student Fields:


Default (No Args Form)


Returns the list of counselors available at the student's school.




The schoolcounselors DAT allows for four parameters. Each separator parameter has three possible special values, in addition to any text otherwise provided.

  • newline - specifying this as a separator forces the separator to be a new line on the output

  • indent - specifying this as a separator forces the separator to be an indentation (four space characters) on the output

  • newline-indent - specifying this as a separator forces the separator to be a new line followed by an indention on the output



First param:


"all" - Providing the "all" value will display all counselors at all schools, not only the student’s school. The counselors are sorted by school, then by first/last name. By default, they are formatted with the school name on a new line, followed by a list of comma separated counselors indented on the next line. 




Milan High School
  John Counselor, Jane Counselor
Venice High School
  Denise Counselor
Arrezzo High School
  John Counselor, Paul Counselor, George Counselor

Second param:

counselor separator

When specified, this param will be the text used to separate counselors within a single school




John Counselor *Primary||Jane Counselor




John Counselor *Primary
Jane Counselor

Third param:

school/counselor separator

When specified, this will be the text used to separate the school from the first counselor. Note this param will have no effect unless the All parameter is set to "all".


~(*schoolcounselors;all;, ;newline)


Milan High School
John Counselor, Jane Counselor
Venice High School
Denise Counselor
Arrezzo High School
John Counselor, Paul Counselor, George Counselor


~(*schoolcounselors;all;, ;: )


Milan High School: John Counselor, Jane Counselor
Venice High School: Denise Counselor
Arrezzo High School: John Counselor, Paul Counselor, George Counselor

Fourth param:

counselor/school separator

When specified, this will be the text used to separate the last counselor in a previous school from the next school. Note this param will have no effect unless the All parameter is set to "all".


~(*schoolcounselors;all;, ;: ,|)


Milan High School: John Counselor, Jane Counselor|Venice High School: Denise Counselor|Arrezzo High School: John Counselor, Paul Counselor, George Counselor

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