ReportWorks Administration
The Report Works Administration page is where you create categories to organize reports. These categories appear on the ReportWorks report page and in the ReportWorks developer application. In addition, the ReportWorks Administration page allows you to set preferences that affect the ReportWorks timeout setting, the report scheduler node, load balancer address, and report queue settings.
Changing the settings on this page may require a restart of Tomcat. For more information, see the Administering Tomcat section of the PowerSchool Installation Guide.
Create Report Categories
You must create categories in order to have ReportWorks publish reports to PowerSchool. If no categories are created, the Application and Category pop-up menus in ReportWorks will be blank.
Note: At least one category must be created in order for PowerSchool to appear as a selection on the Application pop-up menu in ReportWorks.
- On the start page, choose System under Setup in the main menu.
- Under Reports, click ReportWorks Administration.
- Click Report Categories.
- Click Add New Report Category.
- Enter the name of the report category in the Name field.
- Click Submit.
Delete Report Categories
Delete one or multiple categories that do not have published reports assigned to them.
- On the ReportWorks Administration page, click Report Categories.
- Click the X icon next to the Name field of the category or categories you want to delete.
- Click Submit.
Note: An error message appears if the category has a published report assigned to it.
Sort Report Categories
When new categories are created, they appear at the bottom of the category list by default. Change the order in which the categories appear with the sort function.
- On the ReportWorks Administration page, click Report Categories.
- Click and hole the horizontal three-line icon and drag up or down to change the display order of the categories.
- Click Submit.
Note: You must click Submit to save the updated sort order.
Set ReportWorks Preferences
Set specific preferences related to the ReportWorks application and the ReportWorks queue.
- On the start page, choose System under Setup in the main menu.
- Under Reports, click ReportWorks Administration.
- Click ReportWorks Preferences.
Use the following table to enter information in the fields:
ReportWorks Scheduler Node
Enter the node address in the field to designate the server that collects submitted reports for scheduling.
Changing this value in a server array environment requires a restart of all Tomcat instances in the cluster.
The Scheduler Node does not run or execute the report, it simply schedules them. The node(s) that execute the report is specified in the Scheduler Sends Report Rendering Work to field.
Scheduler Sends Report Rendering Work to (address and port)
Enter localhost, the fully qualified domain name of a different server running Tomcat, or the IP address of the load balancer.
In a single server environment, the default is the local host and port specified during the ReportWorks Service installation or configuration process. By default the port for the ReportWorks tomcat service is 7980.
In a server array environment using a load balancer, set this value to the address or fully qualified domain name of the load balancer. For example: This address designates the node that generates the report.
In a load balanced environment, any of the nodes in the Tomcat pool (set up on the load balancer) may execute the report.
Enter localhost, the fully qualified domain name of a different server running Tomcat, or the IP address of the load balancer.
In a single server environment, the default is the local host. Make sure you set this to the same port that was specified during the Application installation. The default port is 7980 for the ReportWorks tomcat service.
In a server array environment using a load balancer, set this value to the address or fully qualified domain name of the load balancer. For example: This address designates the node that generates the report.
In a load balanced environment, any of the nodes in the Tomcat pool (set up on the load balancer) may execute the report.
Number of Concurrent Report Jobs
Select the number of report jobs that can run at the same time from the pop-up menu.
Completed Report Retention Period
Select the number of days to retain completed reports in the report queue from the pop-up menu.
ReportWorks has a nightly cleanup job that deletes reports older than the number of days specified in this field. Changing this setting requires that the Scheduler Node Tomcat instance to be restarted.
ReportWorks Application Timeout
Select the timeout period from the pop-up menu. This indicates the number of minutes that the application is inactive before it requires you to sign in again. The default setting is 60 minutes.
- Click Submit to save the preferences.
Set Grades Data Set Refresh Status
Enable the Grades data set to automatically refresh during the nightly process.
- On the start page, choose System under Setup in the main menu.
- Under Reports, click ReportWorks Administration.
- Click Grades Data Set.
Use the following table to select information:
Data Set Status
Select Enabled from the pop-up menu to enable this feature. When enabled, the Grades data set appears in ReportWorks and can be used to create projects and reports.
Alternatively, select Disabled from the pop-up menu to disable this feature. When disabled, the Grades data set no longer appears in ReportWorks. As a result, new projects and reports can no longer be created using the Grades data set and any existing projects and reports containing the Grades data set are deleted.
Note: If you select Disabled, any existing reports using the Grades data set in all ReportWorks Report Queues will be deleted. Alert report developers before disabling the feature.
- Click Submit.
Manually Refresh the Grades Data Set
The Grades data set automatically refreshes at 1:30 a.m. each day. Use the following procedure to enable the refresh as needed.
- On the start page, choose System under Setup in the main menu.
- Under Reports, click ReportWorks Administration.
- Click Grades Data Set.
- Click Refresh. While the process is running, the status on the page displays "Running."
- If the process completed without errors, the status on the page displays "Success" with the date and time of the successful completion. Be sure this process status displays before regenerating ReportWorks reports based on the Grades data set.
- If the process failed, the status on the page displays "Failed" with the date and time of the failed process.
Refresh the Grades Data Set
The Grades data set automatically refreshes at 1:30 a.m. each day. Use the following procedure to enable the refresh as needed.
- On the start page, choose System under Setup in the main menu.
- Click ReportWorks Administration.
- Click Grades Data Set Refresh.
- Click Start Refresh.
If the process is completed without errors, the status on the page displays "Success" with the date and time of the successful completion. Be sure this process status displays before regenerating ReportWorks reports based on the Grades data set.
If the process failed, the status on the page displays "Failed" with the date and time of the failed process.
Note: Depending on the size of the data set, this process can take more than 30 minutes to complete.