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PowerSchool SIS Substitute Mobile Web Pages Home Page

When you sign in to PowerSchool SIS Substitute mobile web pages, the Home page appears. This page serves as the central point from which you begin your PowerSchool SIS Substitute mobile web pages session. The PowerSchool SIS Substitute mobile web pages Home page consists of the following main areas:

  • Navigation bar
  • ID bar
  • Schedule
  • Menu

Navigation Bar

The navigation bar appears at the top of the PowerSchool SIS Substitute mobile web pages Home page and is common to every page in the application. The navigation bar includes the following information:




Click to return to the Home page.


The page name you are currently viewing appears.

Sign out

Click to sign out of PowerSchool SIS Substitute mobile web pages.

ID Bar

The ID bar appears just below the navigation bar and displays your name. In an effort to ensure that your account is secure and your information protected, the date of the last time you signed in to appears next to your name. This information can be used to alert you to any unusual account activity. If you experience any unusual account activity, report it to your school


The name of the current day's schedule appears. Click to view the Bell Schedule page, which provides detailed information, including the periods, start times, stop times and duration of each period.


The main menu includes links to the following functions:



Daily Bulletin

Click to read your school's daily bulletin.


Click to record meeting attendance.

Lunch Counts

Click to submit lunch counts.

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