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PowerSchool SIS

PowerSchool SIS version is available as of March 24, 2022. When the installers are available for download, an announcement will be posted on PowerSchool SIS Release Notification on PowerSchool Community. 


Feature or Product AreaDescriptionLearn More
AttendanceIn the Teachers Schedule and Section pages, the Attendance column has been divided into two separate columns with their own headers: Take Attendance and Multi-Day Attendance.Teacher Schedules
Incident BuilderThe Cancel button consistently displays in the Update Participant Attributes dialog on the Incident Detail page.Create Quick Incidents
Parent/Student - Accessibility

For better visibility for the visually impaired user, now the attendance page can be zoomed in up to 400%.

Resolved Issues

Product AreaDescriptionReference
Address ValidationSelecting Partial Update no longer incorrectly modifies the street value when doing an address validation. PSF-58955
AddressesThe processing of Geocode and Mailing_Geocode fields have been improved to prevent invalid data. These fields have been removed from the Student Field Value option, but are still available for mass modification in DDA.PSF-51238
Data Import ManagerWhen importing an Incident with a Participant_Student_Number that is 13 characters a validation error no longer occurs.PSF-60955
Graduation PlanPromoting a student's graduation plan no longer gives an error when an invalid studentID record exists.PSF-57900
HealthThe character count for the Issue and Visit Reason Note field in the Office Visit page is no longer missing when typing data in that box.PSF-60922
HealthPagination no longer limits the number of pages when trying to view historical health information.PSF-60847
Load BalancerPowerSchool no longer appears slow when utilizing a KEMP Load Balancer. This was caused by a 0 byte CSS file which has been removed.PSF-61369
OneRosterImproved the Universal Rostering API performance when syncing with Canvas.PSF-49333, PSF-59800, PSF-59841, PSF-59691
PowerSchedulerThe Results Log now includes the detailed statistics again, following the load process. PSF-61212
PowerTeacher Pro - Commenting Using French NumberingComments could not be saved when users entered a comment on an assignment that used a comma in the place of a decimal.PSF-61284
PowerTeacher Pro - LoginIn the event of an external internet outage, self-hosted customers are unable to launch PowerTeacher Pro.PSF-61472
PowerTeacher Pro - Standards Grades ReportWhen a student had an assignment standard score but no standard final grade, the Standards Grades Report with the By Assignment parameter would be blank.PSF-61312
PowerTeacher Pro - Traditional Grade Calculation FormulaUsers who attempted to edit a traditional grade calculation formula received an error indicating that the reporting term could not be retrieved. PSF-61211
PowerTeacher Pro Administrator - Category WeightingWhen a district administrator adjusted the traditional grade calculation formula for a course, Category Weighting was not available as an option.PSF-60923
Public Portal - Show Standards with No Grades Setting SelectionAll standards, including standards without grades, were displayed to parents and students even when the Show Standards with No Grades option was not selected.PSF-15758
Student Field ValueThe following fields now appear in the Student Field Value field list, as they are no longer marked as unique, which prevented them to display:
  • Applic_Response_Recvd_Date
  • Applic_Submitted_Date
  • Enrollment_SchoolID
  • Fee_Exemption_Status
  • Graduated_SchoolID
  • Next_School
SystemThe Clear Activities function no longer times out when running from the District Office.PSF-52333

Removed Features/Future Deprecation

PowerTeacher Gradebook

PowerTeacher Gradebook will be removed from PowerSchool SIS with the release. To ensure that teachers can start using the more advanced features in PowerTeacher Pro Gradebook when you update PowerSchool SIS, make a plan to transition to PowerTeacher Pro Gradebook by the beginning of the 2022-2023 School Year.

Moving to PowerTeacher Pro Gradebook

PowerSchool Components

PowerSchool SIS comprises several software components, each versioned independently from one another. This allows for greater flexibility of component updates as new features and bug fixes become available. Some updates may include dependencies between components. These dependencies will be communicated and built into the component update installers to prevent PowerSchool SIS from being misconfigured. The following table identifies the version number for each PowerSchool SIS component in this release compared to the previous release:

ComponentVersion Number

PowerSchool SIS Server

PowerTeacher Gradebook






State Reporting

Report SDK

Amazon Corretto Java1.8u302
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