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Pearson SuccessNet

PowerSchool includes a close integration with Pearson SuccessNet (PSN) which allows you to extract PowerSchool student enrollment data into PSN. PSN, a Learning Management System (LMS) used by more than 10 million registered users, provides instruction, assessment and intervention to help K-12 teachers and students. PSN contains numerous courses in History, Languages, Literature, Mathematics, Reading, Science and many other subjects. PSN also provides planning and reporting capabilities to help teachers manage their classes.

Note: To set up PSN, you must have both PowerSchool and PSN, be a district or school administrator, and be registered on PSN. If you are not already registered on PSN, see to register before continuing.

Obtain PSN School IDs

Use this procedure to obtain the PSN School IDs needed for mapping PowerSchool schools to PSN.

Note: For more information, see Pearson SuccessNet's online help.

  1. Log in to PSN as an administrator.
  2. On the home page, click Upload Students (advanced)
  3. Click the click here for important information and to download a spreadsheet template link. 
  4. In the Rules and Codes for Valid Text File Entries section, click the Click here link for School ID. 
  5. Using the list of valid School IDs, proceed to Map PowerSchool School Number to PSN School ID to continue.

Map PowerSchool School Number to PSN School ID

Once you have obtained a PSN School ID, you can map each of the PowerSchool schools to a valid PSN School ID.

Note: All students being exported must be tied to a valid PSN School ID in order for the student to be added successfully to PSN.

  1. On the start page, choose District under Setup in the main menu. 
  2. Under Plugins, click Pearson Applications
  3. Click SuccessNet Pearson School ID Setup
  4. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:




    The name of the school.


    The short name of the school.

    School Number

    School number created by PowerSchool Administrator.

    Note: The School_Number field in the Schools table is the same value that is referred to as SchoolID in all other PowerSchool Premier tables when referencing a school.

    SuccessNet ID

    Enter the identification number for the school provided by PSN.

  5. Click Submit.

Generate Roster Upload File

Once you have finished mapping PowerSchool schools to PSN, you can generate the roster upload file.

Note: To generate the roster upload file for all students from a specific school, look up the school number (District > Schools/School Info > School Number) and then search for students based on the school number (Start Page > SchoolID=[School Number] > Search).

  1. On the start page, choose District under Setup in the main menu. 
  2. Under Plugins, click Pearson Applications
  3. Click SuccessNet Roster Upload File Creation
  4. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Students to Include

    Indicate which students you want to run the report for by selecting one of the following options:

    • The selected students only to run the report for students in the current selection enrolled in the specified date range.
    • All students to run the report for all students in the current school enrolled in the specified date range.


    Select the checkboxes of the grade levels you want to scan. Doing so takes the selection of students selected in the “Students to Include” section and narrows the selection to include only those students having the same grade level as those selected.

    Alternatively, leave all the checkboxes blank to scan all grade levels. Doing so includes all of the students selected in the “Students to Include” selection.


    Note: This function does not apply, as the roster upload file is automatically sent to the Report Queue.

  5. Click Submit
  6. To view the roster upload file, click View once the Status column for the roster upload file displays as "Completed."
  7. Save the roster upload text file to your Desktop.
    Note: The roster upload file should appear as a tab-delimited text file.

Parse Roster Upload File

Once you have generated the roster upload file, you will need to review the file to see how many rows the file contains. If it is more than 1000, you will need to parse the roster upload file.

Note: The following procedures address parsing to your Desktop. However, you may also choose to parse to a directory. Be sure to note the location so that you can find the files when you are ready to upload. Parsed files, as well as a directory, can be zipped into a file before uploading.

Parse Roster Upload File (Macintosh)

  1. Download SplitFile.exe for Macintosh from PowerSource to your Desktop.
  2. Open the Terminal.
  3. Type cd desktop and press RETURN.
  4. Type./User/[Your Login]/Desktop/SplitFileMac [NameOfRosterUploadFile.txt] and press RETURN.

  5. Type your password and press RETURN. The parsed roster upload text file appears on your Desktop.

Parse Roster Upload File (Windows)

  1. Download SplitFile.exe for Windows from PowerSource to your Desktop.
  2. Drag and drop the roster upload text file onto the SplitFile.exe icon. 

Roster Upload File Layout

All fields are required during upload into PSN. Missing data will cause the entire upload file to fail.

Data Element

Additional Information



School ID

Entered via District > Pearson Applications > SuccessNet Pearson School ID Setup.

Custom School Field: PSN_SchoolPID

Numeric value. PSN maximum of 8 digits.




PSN maximum of 20 characters.




Exports as blank for all students.




PSN maximum of 32 characters.

Student ID



Numeric value. Maximum of 22 digits.




Converts on report to: K, 01, 02, 03…12.

Any other grade levels are exported as "XX."

SuccessNet Language

Not entered via PowerSchool.


Exports as “ENG” for all students.



If blank, auto-generated as [Students]Last_Name[Students]DOB

PSN requires 6-30 characters.

PowerSchool allows shorter usernames.

Imports into PSN will fail for all usernames less than 6 characters


The password is auto-generated for all students. PowerSchool's student sign in password is not exported.


Maximum of 30 characters.

Password Confirmation

Same as above.

Same as above.

Same as above.


Choose either female or male from the pop-up menu. Valid values: F = Female, M = Male.


Any gender not set is exported as “UN.”

Upload Roster File to PSN

Once you have prepared the roster upload file, you can upload the file into PSN. At the completion of this process, students will be registered within PSN and associated with their correct schools. At this point, teachers can set up classes and select the students from the school roster.

Note: For more information, see Pearson SuccessNet's online help.

  1. Log in to PSN as an administrator.
  2. On the home page, click Upload Students (advanced)
  3. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    What would you like the system to do if a student in your import file currently exists at a different school?

    Select one of the following options:

    • Transfer the student to the school in the import file. This will also remove the student from all classes (in PSN).
    • Consider this an error and fail the import.

    File location

    Do one of the following:

    • Enter the file path and name of the file you want to upload.
    • Click Browse, navigate to the file you want to upload, and click Open.
  4. Click Upload. The Upload History section displays the status of the upload. 
    Note: If an error occurs while uploading the file, the message "Failed: View errors" appears in the Status column of the uploaded file. Click the View errors link to view detailed information about the error, make any necessary corrections, and then upload again. Continue this process until all files are uploaded. If an error cannot be resolved, contact PSN Technical Support.

Associate Students with Classes

Once the file has been uploaded into PSN, the final step is to have the teacher associate students to their class. To do this, log into PSN, create the class if it has not already been created, and then search for students on the school roster and add them to the class. For detailed information, see Pearson SuccessNet's online help.

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