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Incidents Elements

Incident elements consist of Actions, Behaviors, Objects, and Incident Attributes. They represent additional reportable detail about an incident and can be related to participants or the incident itself. Examples of an action would be a suspension or expulsion. Behaviors are typically the offenses that occurred. Objects are the items used during the incident. Attributes are details about the incident itself and are not directly related to any participant. The district defines all of these elements.

Certain codes/subcodes may have a policy indicating instructions for working with the codes/subcodes.

Attributes are assigned at the incident level and therefore cannot be assigned to a participant.

Work with Actions

  1. Choose Special Functions under Functions in the main menu on the start page.
  2. Click Incident Management.
  3. Search for the incident you want to edit.
  4. Click the Plus ( + ) icon next in the Incident Elements section and select Add Action.
  5. Select the Action Code.
  6. Enter the date range in which the action occurs.
  7. Enter information regarding the action.
  8. Select the Actual Resolution Date.
  9. Select the Duration Code.
  10. Enter the Assigned Duration of the action as it applies to the selected Duration Unit. For example, if the action is a three-day suspension from school, enter 3.
  11. Enter the Actual Duration of the action applied to the selected Duration Unit.
  12. Enter any additional information regarding the duration of the action.
  13. Enter the reason why the duration of the action changed, if applicable.
  14. Choose the Action Change Code.
  15. Enter any needed Action Attributes. The information in this section is based on the number of action attributes created during setup and the data type selected for each action attribute. Action attributes may appear as a text, number, date field, yes/no, or subcode selection pop-up menu. For more information, see Code Types and Add an Incident Code.
  16. Click Add Action.
  17. You can now assign the action by dragging the action to the participant's name or the behavior. Actions can only be assigned to one participant or behavior, but you can assign multiple actions if needed.

    Note: If you associate an action with the incorrect participant or behavior, simply click the Remove icon ( - ) next to the action to return it to the Incident Elements table, and then drag and drop the action to its correct location.

Once you have created an action, you can edit or delete it. Click the Pencil icon next to the action and change the information as needed to edit an action. To delete an action, click the Minus ( - ) icon next to the action you want to delete and click OK. On the Incident Detail page, click Change Reason to expand the change reason section of the page if needed and enter a brief description of the edits made to the incident.

Work with Objects

  1. Choose Special Functions under Functions in the main menu on the start page.
  2. Click Incident Management.
  3. Search for the incident you want to edit.
  4. Click the Plus ( + ) icon next to Incident Elements and select Add Object.
  5. Select the Object Code.
  6. Enter a description of the object.
  7. Enter the number of objects associated with this incident.
  8. Click Add Object.
  9. Drag and drop an object to the appropriate participant name to assign an object. Objects can be assigned to multiple participants.

Once you have created an object, you can edit or delete it. Click the Pencil icon next to the object and change the information as needed to edit an action. To delete an action, click the Minus ( - ) icon next to the object you want to delete and click OK. On the Incident Detail page, click Change Reason to expand the change reason section of the page if needed and enter a brief description of the edits made to the incident.

Work with Behaviors

  1. Choose Special Functions under Functions in the main menu on the start page.
  2. Click Incident Management.
  3. Search for the incident you want to edit.
  4. Click the Plus ( + ) button next to Incident Elements and select Add Behavior.
  5. Choose a subcode or subcodes if applicable.
  6. Enter a comment if applicable.
  7. Select Primary Behavior to indicate the most important behavior associated with the incident. Certain states require this designation. Refer to your state requirements to determine how to decide which behavior is the primary one.
  8. Select Allegation to indicate the behavior code is an allegation. This value is used by state reports to identify incidents that have state-reportable allegation behavior codes and subcodes assigned. An allegation is a claim or assertion that someone has done something wrong or illegal, typically made without proof.
  9. Click Add Behavior.
  10. Drag and drop an object to the appropriate participant name to assign an object. Behaviors can only be assigned to one participant, but you can assign multiple behaviors if needed.

Once you have created a behavior, you can edit or delete it. Click the Pencil icon next to the behavior and change the information as needed to edit an action. To delete an action, click the Minus ( - ) icon next to the behavior you want to delete and click OK. On the Incident Detail page, click Change Reason to expand the change reason section of the page if needed and enter a brief description of the edits made to the incident.

Work with Attributes

  1. Choose Special Functions under Functions in the main menu on the start page.
  2. Click Incident Management.
  3. Search for the incident you want to edit.
  4. Click the Plus ( + ) button next to Incident Elements and select Add Attribute.
  5. Select all the attributes needed for this incident.
  6. Click Add Attributes.

Once you have created an attribute, you can edit or delete it. Click the Pencil icon next to the attribute and change the information as needed to edit an action. To delete an action, click the Minus ( - ) icon next to the attribute you want to delete and click OK. On the Incident Detail page, click Change Reason to expand the change reason section of the page if needed and enter a brief description of the edits made to the incident.

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