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Health Data Grid

The Health Data Grid is the central point from which you can view your daily log, as well as immunization and screenings information for your school or district. When signed in at the school level, you can view information for the selected school. When signed in at the district level, you can view information for all schools within the district.

Daily Log

The Daily Log tracks everything that is on your schedule for the day, such as office visits, medication dispensing, screenings, and monitoring events. Using the Daily Log, you can manage daily log entries for your school or district. Daily log entries cannot be deleted from the daily log. They can only be deleted from the student's Health page.

Only applicable if using Enhanced Health Management.
  1. On the start page, choose Health Management from the main menu.
  2. Click Daily Log.
  3. Click the date to access the daily log record.
  4. Click a student's name to access the student's Health page.
  5. Click Find me to find the student based on the current time, the current day's bell schedule, and the student's schedule.

  6. Click Show attendance to view the student's attendance record for the selected day.

Immunization Dashboard

Use the Immunization Dashboard to access immunization information for your school or district, as well as create a customized search filter to locate specific immunization information.

  1. On the start page, choose Health Management from the main menu.

  2. Click Immunization.
  3. Choose the Immunization Mode. The Student Immunization Count tiles represent the total count of students for each category.
  4. To add a tile for optional vaccines:
    1. Select Display Optional Vaccines.
    2. Select which optional vaccines you want to display.
    3. Click Display.
  5. Click a tile to view students for that category.

  6. Filter students as needed.

  7. To access the immunization data for the student, click a student's name.

  8. To update currently selected students, select each student you want to work with and then click Set Current Selection.

Use the select all function to quickly select students from all pages. This option is only available at the school level.

Screenings Dashboard

Use the Screenings Dashboard to manage screenings information for your school or district, as well as create a customized search filter to locate specific screenings information.

  1. On the start page, choose Health Management from the main menu.
  2. Click Screenings.
  3. Choose the Screenings Mode. The Student Screening Count tiles represent the total count of students for each category.
  4. Click a tile to view students for that category.

  5. Filter students as needed.

  6. To access the screening data for the student, click a student's name.

  7. To selected students, select each student you want to work with and then click Set Current Selection.

Use the select all function to quickly select students from all pages. This option is only available at the school level.

Download Health Data

If downloading information, note:

  • The PDF format is restricted to a maximum of 1000 records.
  • Using the CSV format to download data that contains right-to-left Unicode characters may result in the incorrect ordering of data. In which case, you can reconfigure your system, use a client, or download the data in XLSX format.
  • If you have localized your version of PowerSchool, you must have the required character set installed in order to export in your specified language.
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