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Federal Ethnicity and Race Management

With the introduction of Federal Ethnicity and Race Management, PowerSchool now provides a tool to assist your school district with collecting individual student and staff level ethnicity and race data, and in reporting aggregated data as required by the new Federal Ethnicity and Race Categories from the U.S. Department of Education.

Note: The legacy ethnicity fields used in scheduling and preconfigured (non-state-specific) system reports have been renamed Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity for students and Reporting Ethnicity for staff. Please continue to populate these fields for the purpose of scheduling and generating preconfigured system reports. For more information, see Scheduling/Reporting Ethnicity Codes.

State Reporting Setup

Refer to your state-specific Tech Notes available on PowerSource for information on state-specific federal ethnicity and race setup based upon each state’s requirements. Setup templates have been provided for states that have finalized requirements for the reporting of federal ethnicity and race information. PowerSchool state-specific reports will use setup information to report federal ethnicity and race information for students and/or staff members as required by your state. If your state has not provided final requirements on the reporting of federal ethnicity and race, templates will not be provided, and it is recommended that you do not set up federal ethnicity and race at this time.

Before setting up federal ethnicity and race settings, you must read the [Your State] District Setup of Federal Ethnicity and Race Settings article, available on PowerSource by navigating to Home > PowerSchool > Knowledgebase > State-Specific Reporting > [Your State] > Solutions & Resources.

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