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Family Management

Family Management provides a streamlined approach to creating and understanding family relationships within PowerSchool. Identifying related students and the ability to share data among those students is the goal of family management, which allows schools to enter student data once and share data among family members.

Use family management to identify siblings or other students within the district who share the same demographic and guardian information. Once identified, shared data can be copied without additional data entry. Additionally, edited data can be dynamically updated for all students with the predetermined family relationship.

Family management provides districts with the flexibility to allow family associations across the district, or limited associations within just one school. If the scope of family management is limited to a single school, the student information cannot be associated or shared with students from other schools.

The Family Management function enables the district to:

  • Control which student fields are copied from one student to another.
  • Limit the scope of student records visible to a school administrator.
  • Limit the scope of family associations to only those student records within the same school.

Select Student Fields to Copy

  1. On the start page, choose District under Setup in the main menu. 
  2. Under Family Management, click Family Management
  3. Use the following table to select information:



    Do not allow schools to view and copy from students at other schools

    Select the checkbox to not allow schools to view or copy information from a student who is not enrolled in their own school.

    Do not allow schools to copy data to students at other schools

    Select the checkbox to allow schools to view but not copy information to a student who is not enrolled in their own school.

    Available Student Fields to Copy

    Displays all student fields including database extensions (legacy custom fields) created for student records. This is a multiple select list; several adjacent fields can be selected simultaneously by clicking on the field and holding the SHIFT key. To select separate fields, press and hold COMMAND (Mac) or CONTROL (Windows) as you click the field names.

    Selected Student Fields to Copy

    Displays fields that are copied from one student to another when using family management. By default, this column is pre-populated with the most common fields shared by siblings.


    Click to add the selected fields in the Available Student Fields to Copy column to the Selected Student Fields to Copy column. Removes the selected fields from the Available Student Fields to Copy column.


    Click to move the selected fields from the Selected Student Fields to Copy column to the Available Student Fields to Copy column.

    Remove All

    Click to remove all the fields, whether selected or not, from the Selected Student Fields to Copy column and move them back to the Available Student Fields to Copy column.

    Load Defaults

    Click to display the most common fields shared by siblings.


    Click to reset the list of Student Fields to Copy to the list that existed when the page was first loaded.

    Hyperlink numbers and letters

    Click a letter or number to view a consolidated list of fields sorted by the selected letter or number.

  4. Click Submit

At the district level, the Mass Create Family Links function provides a quick way to establish family relationships between existing students in the district. This function searches for all active and inactive students in the district, all students with active enrollments in the district, or only the selected students.

  1. On the start page, search for and select a group of students. A list of students appears in the Current Student Selection section. For more information, see Select a Group of Students.
  2. Click the [Select Function] arrow. 

  3. Under Functions, choose Mass Create Family Links
    Note: Alternatively, if you have a current selection of students, you can choose Special Functions under Functions in the main menu and then click Groups Functions.
  4. Use the following table to enter information on this page:



    Students to Include

    Indicate which students you want to search for by selecting all students with active enrollments, or all active and inactive students in the district.

    Search for Match on

    Indicate the criteria by which you want to search by selecting Family ID (Family_Ident field), Student Phone (Home_Phone field), or both.

  5. Click Submit
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