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Enroll a Student in a Remote/Summer School Class (Remote Enrollment Only)

Using this function, you can enroll a student in a remote/summer school class.

Enroll in a Student in a Remote/Summer School Class

When enrolling a student in a remote summer school section, a school enrollment record is also generated and will be visible in the Previous Enrollments area of Transfer Info student page.

  1. On the start page, search for and select a student. For more information, see Student Search.
  2. Under Enrollment, choose Functions from the student pages menu. 
  3. Click Enroll Student in Remote/Summer School Class
  4. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:




    The selected student appears.

    Show Summer Schools Only

    Select the checkbox to narrow the School Where the Class is Held pop-up menu to only list summer schools. Otherwise, leave the checkbox blank.

    School Where the Class is Held

    Choose the school where the class is held from the pop-up menu.


    Begin entering the name of the course for which you want to enroll the student. A pop-up list of courses matching your entry appears.

    Select the course for which you want to enroll the student.


    A list of sections and information about each section appears. Select the section number of the course for which you want to enroll the student.

    Note: Available summer school sections appear based on the District Summer School Year setting. When set to Previous, sections assigned to the currently selected year are available. When set to Next, sections assigned to the upcoming year are available instead. You may need to change the currently selected year context to see the desired sections.

    If the selection section is already at its maximum capacity, the Section is Full drawer appears. Enter the password to override the maximum enrollment and click Submit.


    A list of grades for the selected summer school appear.

    Choose the grade for which you want to enroll the student from the pop-up menu.

    Note: The value is preset if the student has a reenrollment record for the selected summer school and the current term.

    Note: Only appears for summer schools.


    A list of FTEs for the selected summer school appear.

    Choose the FTE for which you want to enroll the student from the pop-up menu.

    Note: The value is preset if the student has a reenrollment record for the selected summer school and the current term.

    Note: Only appears for summer schools.

    Enrollment Date

    Enter the enrollment date.

    Enrollment Date: The next field is the enrollment date - pre-populated with the current date

  5. Click Submit.

Drop a Summer School Class from a Student Schedule (Remote Enrollment Only)

If a student needs to be dropped from a single summer school class while remaining enrolled in other summer school classes at the same school, select the student, and drop the class from the Modify Schedule student page.

If a student needs to be dropped from all sections, and is no longer attending the summer school it will be necessary to edit the date for the school record on the Transfer Info Page under School Enrollments. The Transfer Out Of School function cannot be used for exiting remote summer schools.

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