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Ecollect Forms/Enrollment Express

PowerSchool Ecollect Forms/Enrollment Express version is available as of 10/30/2022.


This release includes important jQuery library updates. PowerSchool highly recommends all customers upgrade their Ecollect Forms and Enrollment Express plugins to version 22.10 or above as soon as possible. Failing to upgrade Ecollect Forms and Enrollment Express before upgrading to an upcoming PowerSchool SIS release will result in some features not functioning correctly. 


Product AreaDescription

Admin – Render elements in side-by-side containers as designed in Form Builder

A new side-by-side container property “Render as Designed” allows you to display the elements in a side-by-side container with empty columns in any given row.  

When this option is unchecked, the elements move to the most appropriate left-most column to avoid empty spaces on the published form.

When this option is checked, empty columns on any given row are retained.

For example, previously, if the second column in the second row was left empty in the Form Builder, the content from the third column in the second row would shift over to the most appropriate position on the published form to avoid blank spaces. With the “Render as Designed” option selected, the elements in the third column will retain their position with the second column empty on the form as designed.

Note that you cannot design a form with empty rows within a single side-by-side container in the Form Builder.

The "Render as Designed" property is unchecked by default.

Admin/ Parent/Student – New "Unit" field for contact addresses

The Address field in the Contacts element now contains a new “Unit” field to enter separate unit information when adding or updating addresses for contacts. The unit information along with the other address data from the contact element are stored in PowerSchool SIS.

For pending form submissions, administrators can edit the contact element and enter the unit data prior to approval.

If unit data was previously present in PowerSchool SIS, that information will be lost if a submission was already approved or submitted without requiring approval.

In addition, if there are pending submissions with contact information and the admin approves these submissions without editing and adding the unit data, the unit data, if present in PowerSchool SIS, will be lost.

Optionally, administrators can reject a pending submission and request the parent or student enter the unit data and make another submission.

Resolved Issues

Product AreaDescriptionReference

Parent – Teacher selection for booking an event

When a parent tried to book an event with a teacher, the provider selector errored, and the parent was unable to book the event. This issue was resolved.


Removed Features/Future Deprecation

Deprecation of Cloud Pre-Registration Process

The now legacy Pre-Registration process in the Cloud Enrollment portal is being deprecated. Starting July 1, 2022, all Pre-Registration forms in the Cloud Enrollment portal will only support the current year (i.e., 2022-2023) as the entry year, preventing the use of the Cloud Pre-Registration process for 2023-2024 and beyond. Additionally, the Cloud Enrollment portal itself will be fully deprecated and taken offline on June 30, 2023.  Any Cloud Pre-Registration data you wish to transfer to PowerSchool SIS should be transferred before this date.

For the 2023-2024 Pre-Registration season, which typically starts February-April 2023, the new Pre-Registration process in PowerSchool SIS must be used.

Deprecation of Cloud Pre-Registration Process
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