Distribute IDs and Passwords
Once you have assigned IDs and passwords to your students, you may need to create a report, print the IDs and passwords, and distribute them to your students and parents. The following table can be used to determine which fields to include in your report:
Field Label | Field Name | Report Syntax |
Student User Name | Student_Web_ID | ^(Student_Web_ID) |
Student Password | Student_Web_Password | ^(Student_Web_Password) |
Access ID | Web_ID | ^(Web_ID) |
Access Password | Web_Password | ^(Web_Password) |
When using the above fields in an object report, enter the text from the Report Syntax column in a text object. When using the above fields in a form letter, enter the text from the Report Syntax column in the body of the form letter.
Note: The Student_Web_Password and Web_Password DAT tags can only be used in the PowerSchool Administrator portal. When viewed from the PowerTeacher portal these will display the value as *****.
Note: Remember that the Web_ID and Web Password is not actually a Parent account. Parents will use the Access ID and Access Password to link their students to their own accounts, which they can create themselves in the Parent Portal. To reduce confusion around this concept, it is a good practice to make this distinction whenever creating reports for sending the Access ID and Access Passwords to parents.