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Course Sections

Once courses have been assigned to a summer school, course sections may be created. During section creation, assign a teacher to the section. On the start page, choose School from the main menu. 

  1. Under Scheduling, click Sections
  2. Choose the course name from the courses menu. The course information page lists the course sections.
  3. Click New
  4. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Course Name

    The name of the course you selected appears.

    Course Number

    To define a section for a different course number than the one you selected, enter that course number.


    Choose the appropriate term from the pop-up menu.


    Select the checkboxes for the combination of days and periods in which this section meets. For example, select the checkbox for Period 1 and Day A if a section of Chemistry meets during first period on A days.


    Choose the appropriate teacher from the pop-up menu.

    Note: For a staff member to appear in this pop-up menu, the Staff Status field, accessible via Start Page > Staff > Select A Staff Member > Edit Information, must be set to Teacher.


    Enter the room in which this course section meets.

    Section Number

    Enter the section number in this field. Do not enter special characters.

    Note: Section numbers must be unique among sections of the same course for a given school year.

    Grade Level

    If this course is available only for a certain grade level, enter the grade level. Otherwise, leave this field blank.

    Current Enrollment

    The number of students currently enrolled in this course section appears.

    Maximum Enrollment

    Enter the maximum number of students who can enroll in this course section.

    District Where Taught

    If this course section is taught outside your district, enter the other district's ID in this field.

    School Where Taught

    If this course section is taught outside your school, enter the school's ID in this field.

    Dependent Sections

    If this course section has dependent sections, enter them in this field using the course.section, course.section format. If a student is enrolled in a class, it is not teacher-specific, but rather section-specific. Often used by elementary schools where students take a set of classes, dependent sections indicate that if a student is registered in one class, he or she must also register for the dependent class. If the dependent section conflicts with another class, you can manually drop the student from the class and add him or her to another section. This function has no implications for prerequisites or graduation requirements.


    Intended primarily for California Continuation Education alternative education program, the program you specify here identifies whether backfill should be applied when attendance is taken for the section. For more information, see Backfill Management.

    Record Attendance Using Attendance Mode

    Use the pop-up menu to indicate the method by which you want attendance recorded. At this time, Meeting attendance is your only option.

    Record Attendance

    If the section meets more than one period in a day, you can choose to take attendance once or for every period by selecting the Once for All Meetings option or the Each Meeting Separately option.

    Exclude From Attendance

    Select the checkbox if you do not want attendance and enrollment in this section to be counted towards any ADA/ADM calculations.

    Exclude From Storing Final Grades

    Select the checkbox to skip this section when storing grades. This setting is useful in cases where storing grades may not be appropriate, such as study hall or lunch.

    Grade Scale

    Choose the grade scale from the pop-up menu. For more information, see Grade Scales.

    Exclude from GPA?

    If different from the course settings, select the option to either include or exclude the grade from the GPA calculation.

    Exclude from Class Rank?

    If different from the course settings, select the option to either include or exclude the grade from the class rank calculation.

    Exclude from Honor Roll?

    If different from the course settings, select the option to either include or exclude the grade from the honor roll calculation.

    Section Type

    Identifies the section as open only to be filled by students whose course requests are designated as the same section type. Choose the type of section, such as Bilingual, from the pop-up menu (optional).

    Note: For more information, see Define Section Types.


    Identifies the section as open only to be filled by students who are designated as belonging to the same house. Whether this is enforced depends on the state of the scheduling preference Use Houses. Click Associate to select a house to which this section belongs.

    Note: For more information, see Define Houses.


    Identifies the section as open only to be filled by students who are designated as belonging to the same team. Choose the team associated with this section from the pop-up menu.

    Note: For more information, see Define Teams.

    Close section at max

    Identifies whether to enroll students into the section even if the maximum enrollment has been reached. If this is selected, no students will be enrolled if the current enrollment is equal to or greater than the maximum enrollment. Select the checkbox to not accept more enrollments than the maximum number of enrolled students.

    Maximum Load Status

    Use the pop-up menu to indicate whether the section should be exempt from counting towards a teacher's maximum student load:

    • Exempt: Students enrolled in this section do not count towards a teacher's maximum student load.
    • Lab: Same as non-exempt.
    • Non-Exempt: Students enrolled in this section count towards a teacher's maximum student load.

    Note: At this time, the Non-Exempt selection is not saved on this page. Use USM to set sections as non-exempt. In the Sections table, set the Max_Load_Status field to Non-Exempt. For more information, see Teacher Maximum Load.

    Note: For existing non-exempt sections and for all new sections, no values are stored for this field unless they are set to Lab or Exempt on this page, or they set to any of the three status types using USM. Sections with no values are ignored when calculating the teacher maximum load.

    Allow PowerTeacher entry of Variable Awarded Credit

    Use the pop-up menu to indicate whether or not to permit teachers to enter variable awarded credit, earned credit. If Yes is chosen, the Variable Awarded Credit column appears in PowerTeacher Pro Gradebook on the Scoresheet in Final Grade mode. Teachers may enter any desired numerical value.

    Note: This pop-up menu only appears when editing a section. To set variable awarded credit for multiple sections, see Variable Credit Setup.

    Allow PowerTeacher entry of Variable Attempted Credit

    Use the pop-up menu to indicate whether or not to allow teachers to enter variable attempted credit, potential credit. If Yes is chosen, the Variable Attempted Credit column appears in PowerTeacher Pro Gradebook on the Scoresheet in Final Grade mode. Teachers may enter any desired numerical value.

    Note: This pop-up menu only appears when editing a section. To set variable attempted credit for multiple sections, see Variable Credit Setup.

  5. Click Submit

For more information, see Sections.

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