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Configure School Access

When a plugin is installed, by default all schools are granted access to the plugin links. Using the Link Display by School drawer, you can control which schools can view installed plugin links.

Note: Third party links appear in PowerSchool based on the navigation links defined in the plugin configuration file.

Note: This procedure is not applicable to plugins that handle their own school level access.

Note: School-level permissions within PowerTeacher Pro 1.0 will use the permissions of the school from which PTP was launched.

  1. On the start page, choose System under Setup in the main menu. 
  2. Under Server, click System Settings.
  3. Click Plugin Management Configuration.
  4. Click the name of the plugin you want to configure.
  5. Click Link Details
  6. Click Schools next to the portal for which you want to configure school access.
  7. Use the following table to enter information:



    Schools Where Links Not Displayed

    Schools that have not been granted access to the plugin appear.

    To grant access to a plugin, highlight one or more schools in the list and click the arrow (>). The selected school appears in the Schools with access to plugin column.

    Note: To select multiple schools, press and hold COMMAND (Mac) or CONTROL (Windows) as you click each school.

    To grant access to a plugin for all schools, click the double arrow (>>). All schools appear in the Schools with access to plugin column.

    Schools Where Links Displayed

    Schools that have been granted access to the plugin appear.

    To revoke access to a plugin, highlight one or more schools in the list and click the arrow (<). The selected school appears in the Schools without access to plugin column.

    Note: To select multiple schools, press and hold COMMAND (Mac) or CONTROL (Windows) as you click each school.

    To revoke access to a plugin for all schools, click the double arrow (<<). All schools appear in the Schools without access to plugin column.

  8. Click Submit
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