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Build the Master Schedule Reports

PowerSchool includes a number of reports that help you evaluate a completed master schedule. Use these reports to determine whether maximum enrollment parameters need to be increased, the teachers are correctly scheduled, and the system scheduled courses in rooms and their facilities at the correct times.

The following reports are specific to the second part of the master schedule process, build the master schedule, and relate to the master schedule, student course requests, rooms, schedules, and students.

Run the Alternate Request Report

Use the Alternate Request report to list the number of course requests made by a student and whether or not the student was scheduled in his or her requested course. The report separates the requests by course and alternate course.

  1. On the start page, choose PowerScheduler under Applications in the main menu. The Scheduling page appears.
  2. Under Tools, choose Reports from the PowerScheduler menu. The Scheduling Reports page appears.
  3. Click Alternate Request Report.

  4. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Students to Include

    Number of students included in scheduling for next year. If a student or group of students have been selected, choose to run the report for only that student selection or for all students.

    In the Include Only In Grades field, enter the numbers of the grade levels you want to include in this report (optional).

    Report Output Locale

    Select the locale from the pop-up menu. The report output will be in the language associated with the locale. For more information, see Report Output Locale.

  5. Click Submit. The Requests By Student page displays the following information



    Student Name

    The name of the student.


    The names and numbers of the requested courses.

    Scheduled Alternates

    The names and numbers of the scheduled alternate courses.


    An X next to a course indicates that the student was scheduled in that course.

Run the Master Schedule Report

Use the Master Schedule report to evaluate the schedule the system built. View the master schedule for all teachers for all periods. The first time you display the master schedule after creating or modifying it, the Master Schedule Preferences page appears. For more information, see Modify Master Schedule Preferences.

  1. On the start page, choose PowerScheduler under Applications in the main menu. The Scheduling page appears.
  2. Under Tools, choose Reports from the PowerScheduler menu. The Scheduling Reports page appears.
  3. Click Master Schedule. The Master Schedule page appears.

    Depending on your preferences, the report may display the teacher's name, the selected day, and the following information for each period:
    • Name of the course assigned to a teacher
    • Course number.Section number (click to view that section's Edit Section page)
    • Number of students scheduled for this section (click to view the class roster)
    • Maximum enrollment of this section
    • Room number
    • Expression, which is the combination of periods and days
    • Term

Run the Master Schedule (PDF) Report

Use the Master Schedule PDF report to generate a PDF of the master schedule. View the master schedule for all teachers for all periods. The first time you display the master schedule after creating or modifying it, the Master Schedule Preferences page appears. For more information, see Modify Master Schedule Preferences.

  1. On the start page, choose PowerScheduler under Applications in the main menu. The Scheduling page appears.
  2. Under Tools, choose Reports from the PowerScheduler menu. The Scheduling Reports page appears.
  3. Click Master Schedule (PDF). The Master Schedule PDF page appears.
  4. Use the following table to enter information in the Master Schedule Options fields:




    Select the checkboxes to indicate which periods to display on the master schedule. To display all periods, select the All Periods checkbox.


    Select the checkboxes to indicate which days to display on the master schedule. To display all days, select the All Days checkbox.

    Credit Type

    Enter the credit type to indicate which credit type to display on the master schedule, such as MATH. To display all credit types, do not enter anything in the field.


    Select the rooms to display on the master schedule. Press and hold COMMAND (Mac) or CONTROL (Windows) to make multiple selections. Select All Rooms to display all rooms.


    Select the teachers to display on the master schedule. Press and hold COMMAND (Mac) or CONTROL (Windows) to make multiple selections. Select All Teachers to display all teachers.

    Sort By

    Select a sort order option for the master schedule:

    • Teacher

    • Credit Type

    • Department

    • Room

    Report Output Locale

    Select the locale from the pop-up menu. The report output will be in the language associated with the locale.

  5. Use the following table to enter information in the Printing Options fields:



    Period/Day orientation

    Select an option to determine which axis should display periods and which axis should display days:

    • Periods across the top
    • Days across the top

    Heading Font

    Choose the heading font from the pop-up menu.

    Size, line height, style

    Enter the heading font size and line height in points. One point equals 1/72 of an inch.

    Select the formatting checkboxes you want to use. For example, select the Bold checkbox to bold the heading.

    Print Heading On

    Choose the page on which to print the heading from the pop-up menu.

    Column Title Font

    Choose the column title font from the pop-up menu.

    Size, line height, style

    Enter the column title font size and line height in points. One point equals 1/72 of an inch.

    Select the formatting checkboxes you want to use. For example, select the Bold checkbox to bold the column title.

    Print Column Titles On

    Choose from the pop-up menu the page on which to print the column titles:

    • All pages
    • First page
    • Do not print column titles

    Body Font

    Choose from the pop-up menu the font for the body of the report.

    Size, line height, style

    Enter the body font size and line height in points. One point equals 1/72 of an inch.

    Select the formatting checkboxes you want to use. For example, select the Bold checkbox to bold the body.

    Cell padding (points)

    Enter the width of each cell and the amount of space from all sides of the cells to the text in points. One point equals 1/72 of an inch.

    Page size

    Choose from the pop-up menu the size of the paper on which you want to print this report. To enter a custom size, enter the horizontal and vertical page measurements in the Custom Size fields.

    Margins (inches)

    Enter the size of the margins in inches.

    Orientation, Scale

    Choose the page layout from the pop-up menu. Portrait is a vertical page; Landscape is a horizontal page.

    Scale is the finished size of the report. Fit more on a page by reducing it by a percentage, but remember to leave it as large as possible for easier viewing.

    Watermark Text

    To print text as a watermark on each page of the report, use the pop-up menu to either choose one of the standard phrases or choose Custom and enter the text you want to print as a watermark in the field.

    Watermark Mode

    Use the pop-up menu to determine how you want the text to print. Watermark prints the text behind objects on the report, while Overlay prints the text over objects on the report.

    When to print

    Select a time to run the report:

    • ASAP: Execute immediately.
    • At Night: Execute during the next evening.
    • On Weekend: Execute during the next weekend.
    • On Specific Date/Time: Execute on the date and time specified in the following fields.
  6. Click Submit. The report queue appears.
  7. Click View once the report is completed.
    Note: Click Refresh to update the status of the report.
    The page displays a PDF file of the report. Thoroughly review it to verify that the formatting and content are correct. If the report provides the data you need and is formatted properly, print it from this page or save it to another application.

Run the Master Schedule List Report

Use this report to display the master schedule with filters. For example, filter the report to show the master schedule for a certain credit type, room, and teacher.

  1. On the start page, choose PowerScheduler under Applications in the main menu. The Scheduling page appears.
  2. Under Tools, choose Reports from the PowerScheduler menu. The Scheduling Reports page appears.
  3. Click Master Schedule List. The Master Schedule List page appears.
    Note: The first time you display the master schedule after creating or modifying it, the Master Schedule Preferences page appears. Use this page to filter information that appears on the master schedule page. To change your preferences after running the report, click Show Preferences at the bottom of the master Schedule List page. For more information, see Modify Master Schedule Preferences.
  4. Use the following table to filter information:

    Note: Click the arrow to expand this section. Click the arrow again to collapse this section.




    1. Enter search criteria in the Search field.
    2. To filter by columns:
      1. Click +.
      2. From the first pop-up menu, choose one of the following:
        • Course Name
        • Expression
        • Max
        • Number.Section
        • Section #
        • Room
        • Section Type
        • Students
        • Teacher Department
        • Teacher Name
        • Team
        • Term
      3. From the second pop-up menu, choose the appropriate comparator:
        • contains
        • contains all
        • contains any
        • does not contain
        • is empty
        • starts with
        • starts with any
      4. Enter search criteria in the search field.

        Note: Use a comma-separated list for multiple values. If contains is selected, only one value may be entered. If is empty is selected, no value may be entered.
      5. Click Apply. The page refreshes and display filtered results.

        Note: The Filter (0) header refreshes and displays the number of applied filters. In addition, the header displays the fields being used to filter results.
        Note: Click the name of a column to sort by that column in ascending order. Click again to sort in descending order.
    3. To add another filter, click + and repeat Step 1.

      Note: The + appears shaded if all filters have been added.
    4. To delete a filter, click - next the filter.
    5. Click Apply. The page refreshes and display filtered results.
      Note: To remove all filter selections, click Clear.

    Note: Click the number in the Students column to view the class roster for the section.

  5. Click the number in the Section # column for the section you want to edit. The Edit Section page appears.Note: Click the number in the Students column to view the class roster for the section.
  6. Enter information as needed. For field descriptions, see Add a Section.
  7. Click Submit. The Sections page for the selected course appears.

    The master schedule list displays the course and section numbers, course name, schedule expression, term, teacher name, teacher department, room number, number of students enrolled, and maximum enrollment for each course section.

Run the Non-Scheduled Course Requests Report

Use the Non-Scheduled Course Requests report to view for each course the students whose course requests could not be honored during the scheduling process. This information can help you determine if you need to ease course maximum restrictions, add more course sections, or update a student's course requests.

  1. On the start page, choose PowerScheduler under Applications in the main menu. The Scheduling page appears.
  2. Under Tools, choose Reports from the PowerScheduler menu. The Scheduling Reports page appears.
    Note: To exclude alternate requests, click Exclude Alternates below the report name.
  3. Click Non-scheduled Course Requests. The Non-Scheduled Course Requests page appears.
  4. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Students to Include

    Number of students included in scheduling for next year. If a student or group of students have been selected, choose to run the report for only that student selection or for all students.

    In the Include Only In Grades field, enter the numbers of the grade levels you want to include in this report (optional).

    Exclude Alternates

    Select Yes from the pop-up menu to exclude alternate requests.

    Report Output Locale

    Select the locale from the pop-up menu. The report output will be in the language associated with the locale. For more information, see Report Output Locale.

  5. Click Submit. The report displays the following information:



    Course Number

    The course number.

    Note: Alternate course requests are noted with (Alt).

    Course Name

    The course name.

    Note: Alternate course requests are noted with (Alt).

    Student Number

    The number of the requesting student that was not scheduled in this course.

    Student Name

    The name of the requesting student that was not scheduled in this course.

Run the Non-Scheduled Student Requests Report

Use the Non-Scheduled Student Requests report to determine which course requests have not been satisfied on a student-by-student basis. The information can help you decide if you need to ease course maximum restrictions or update a student's course requests.

  1. On the start page, choose PowerScheduler under Applications in the main menu. The Scheduling page appears.
  2. Under Tools, choose Reports from the PowerScheduler menu. The Scheduling Reports page appears.
    Note: To exclude alternate requests, click Exclude Alternates below the report name.
  3. Click Non-scheduled Student Requests. The Non-Scheduled Student Requests page appears.
  4. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Students to Include

    Number of students included in scheduling for next year. If a student or group of students have been selected, choose to run the report for only that student selection or for all students.

    In the Include Only In Grades field, enter the numbers of the grade levels you want to include in this report (optional).

    Exclude Alternates

    Select Yes from the pop-up menu to exclude alternate requests.

    Report Output Locale

    Select the locale from the pop-up menu. The report output will be in the language associated with the locale. For more information, see Report Output Locale.

  5. Click Submit. The report displays the following information:



    Student Number

    The number of the requesting student that was not scheduled in this course.

    Student Name

    The name of the requesting student that was not scheduled in this course.

    Course Number

    The course number.
    Note: Alternate course requests are noted with (Alt)

    Course Name

    The course name.
    Note: Alternate course requests are noted with (Alt).

Run the Non-Scheduled Student Requests for Scheduled Courses Report

Use the Non-Scheduled Student Requests for Scheduled Courses report to determine which requests for scheduled courses have not been satisfied on a student-by-student basis.

  1. On the start page, choose PowerScheduler under Applications in the main menu. The Scheduling page appears.
  2. Under Tools, choose Reports from the PowerScheduler menu. The Scheduling Reports page appears.
    Note: To exclude alternate requests, click Exclude Alternates below the report name.
  3. Click Non-scheduled Student Requests for Scheduled Courses. The Non-Scheduled Student Requests for Scheduled Courses page appears.
  4. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Students to Include

    Number of students included in scheduling for next year. If a student or group of students have been selected, choose to run the report for only that student selection or for all students.

    In the Include Only In Grades field, enter the numbers of the grade levels you want to include in this report (optional).

    Exclude Alternates

    Select Yes from the pop-up menu to exclude alternate requests.

    Report Output Locale

    Select the locale from the pop-up menu. The report output will be in the language associated with the locale. For more information, see Report Output Locale.

  5. Click Submit. The report displays the following information:



    Student Number

    The number of the requesting student that was not scheduled in this course.

    Student Name

    The name of the requesting student that was not scheduled in this course.

    Course Number

    The course number.
    Note: Alternate course requests are noted with (Alt).

    Course Name

    The course name.
    Note: Alternate course requests are noted with (Alt).

Run the Room Schedule Report

Use the Room Schedule report to determine which courses are being taught in a particular room.

  1. On the start page, choose PowerScheduler under Applications in the main menu. The Scheduling page appears.
  2. Under Tools, choose Reports from the PowerScheduler menu. The Scheduling Reports page appears.
  3. Click Room Schedule. The Room Schedule page appears.
  4. Click Associate to select the number of the room you want.
  5. Select the Report Output Locale from the pop-up menu. The report output will be in the language associated with the locale. For more information, see Report Output Locale.
  6. Click Submit. The report displays the following information:




    The section number of the course.


    The period and days in which the course is taught.


    The term in which the course is taught.


    The name of the teacher instructing the course.


    The course number.


    The course name.


    The number of students enrolled in the course. Click the number to display the class roster.

Run the Room Utilization Report

Use the Room Utilization report to verify that the system scheduled courses in the correct rooms, with the appropriate facilities, and at the correct times. You can also use this report to make sure that you correctly defined room capacities.

For each room, the system displays the courses that take place in the room by period. For each period, the system displays the number of available seats, scheduled students, and maximum seats.

  1. On the start page, choose PowerScheduler under Applications in the main menu. The Scheduling page appears.
  2. Under Tools, choose Reports from the PowerScheduler menu. The Scheduling Reports page appears.
  3. Click Room Utilization. The Room Utilization page appears.
  4. Click Associate to select the rooms that you want to display on the report.
  5. Select the Report Output Locale from the pop-up menu. The report output will be in the language associated with the locale. For more information, see Report Output Locale.
  6. Click Submit. The report displays the following information:




    The room number and maximum seats for each room.


    The day the room is scheduled.


    The terms that the room is scheduled.


    The course name, course and section number, teacher name, expression (period and day), term, number of taken seats, and number of seats available.

Run the Schedule Periods by Grade Report

Use the Schedule Periods by Grade report to view the number of students scheduled into courses by period, grade, and term.

  1. On the start page, choose PowerScheduler under Applications in the main menu. The Scheduling page appears.
  2. Under Tools, choose Reports from the PowerScheduler menu. The Scheduling Reports page appears.
  3. Click Schedule Periods By Grade. The Schedule Periods By Grade page appears.
  4. Select the Report Output Locale from the pop-up menu. The report output will be in the language associated with the locale. For more information, see Report Output Locale.
  5. Click Submit. The report displays the following information:




    The term number.


    The period and day combination.

    Grade [number]

    The number of unscheduled students, scheduled students, and total number of students for this grade level.

Run the Schedule Course Enrollment Report

Use the Scheduled Course Enrollment report to view the number of seats available, requested, occupied, and vacant per course. The report also displays the number of unfilled student requests for each course.Run the Schedule Course Enrollment Report

  1. On the start page, choose PowerScheduler under Applications in the main menu. The Scheduling page appears.
  2. Under Tools, choose Reports from the PowerScheduler menu. The Scheduling Reports page appears.
  3. Click Schedule Course Enrollment. The Schedule Course Enrollment page appears.
  4. Select the Report Output Locale from the pop-up menu. The report output will be in the language associated with the locale. For more information, see Report Output Locale.
  5. Click Submit. The report displays the following information:




    The course number.

    Course Name

    The course name.

    Seats Available

    The maximum enrollment for the course.

    Primary Requests

    The number of primary requests made for the course. Click the number to display the names of the students that requested the course. The Course detail page appears with the Primary Requests tab selected. To view other Course detail information, click a different tab.

    Alternate Requests

    The number of alternate requests made for the course. Click the number to display the names of the students that requested the course. The Course detail page appears with the Alternate Requests tab selected. To view other Course detail information, click a different tab.

    Note: The Alt checkbox on the Requests page must be selected to indicate that the request is an alternate course request.

    Seats Filled

    The number of fulfilled requests for the course. Click the number to display the names of the students enrolled in the course. The Course detail page appears with the Seats Filled tab selected. To view other Course detail information, click a different tab.

    Seats Vacant

    The number of empty seats in the course.

    Unfilled Primary Requests

    The number of unfulfilled primary requests for the course. Click the number to display the names of the students that requested the course but are not enrolled in it. The Course detail page appears with the Unfilled Primary Requests tab selected. To view other Course detail information, click a different tab.

Run the Schedule Results by Grade Report

Use the Schedule Results by Grade report to view a summary of how many students in each grade were fully scheduled and not scheduled. To give you a better indication of the success of your schedule, run this report after loading student schedules but before working with individual students' scheduled.

  1. On the start page, choose PowerScheduler under Applications in the main menu. The Scheduling page appears.
  2. Under Tools, choose Reports from the PowerScheduler menu. The Scheduling Reports page appears.
  3. Click Schedule Results by Grade. The Scheduling Results By Grade page appears.
  4. Select the Report Output Locale from the pop-up menu. The report output will be in the language associated with the locale. For more information, see Report Output Locale.
  5. Click Submit. The report displays the following information:



    Students Scheduled

    Next year's student grade level and the total number of students that submitted course requests for each grade level.

    All Periods

    When all periods are considered, the number and percentage of students in each grade that have a complete schedule and the number and percentage of students in each grade that do not have a complete schedule.

    Core Periods

    When only core periods are considered, the number and percentage of students in each grade that have a complete schedule and the number and percentage of students in each grade that do not have a complete schedule.
    Core periods are those that are flagged as such and are those in which the school expects students to be scheduled.

    Requests Scheduled

    Next year's student grade level and the total number of requests submitted by students for each grade level.

    Including Alternates

    When alternate course requests are considered, the number and percentage of students in each grade that have a complete schedule and the number and percentage of students in each grade that do not have a complete schedule.

    Primary Requests Only

    When only primary course requests are considered, the number and percentage of students in each grade that have a complete schedule and the number and percentage of students in each grade that do not have a complete schedule.

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