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Attendance Synchronization

Districts that switch from using Daily to Meeting attendance or vice versa during the school year will have attendance records that are out of synch. For instance, during the time period that the district took Daily attendance, Meeting attendance records are missing. Use the automated attendance synchronization process to rebuild the missing attendance records.

Processing Options

The synchronization process has two processing options:

  • Based on existing Daily attendance records, Meeting attendance records will be created.
  • Based on existing Meeting attendance records, Daily attendance records will be created.


Prior to running the synchronization process, several setup options are required:

  • Attendance recording methods – The current method used by the school for recording attendance, as this is the method that will determine the bridge direction (currently taking Daily, so need to retroactively build Meeting OR currently taking Meeting, so need to retroactively build Daily).
  • Meeting and Daily Attendance Bridge – Either one-way or two-way sync must be selected:
    • One-way indicates that when a Meeting attendance record is taken during the bridge period, a Daily attendance record is automatically created.
    • Two-way is the same as one-way but also indicates that when a Daily attendance record is taken, a Meeting attendance record is automatically created for the bridge period.
  • Bell Schedules – Each bell schedule used in the school's calendar must have a bridge period defined, including default time in and time out.

Other System Requirements

  • System Backup – It is strongly recommended that you back up your system prior to running this process.
  • School Year – The synchronization process may not be run for school years prior to 2004-2005.
  • Current School Only – The synchronization process may only be run for the current school and may not be run for the district office.

Synchronize Attendance

This procedure may only be performed at the school level.

  1. On the start page, choose System under Setup in the main menu.
  2. Under Attendance, click Attendance Bridge Synchronization.
  3. Select the Direction to re-build bridge:
    • Choose From Meeting, build Daily to create a daily attendance record for each meeting attendance record that exists for the calendar day's bridge period.
    • Choose From Daily, build Meeting to create a meeting attendance record for each daily attendance record that exists for the calendar day.
  4. Select Other Preferences:
    • If daily attendance code is absent, mark all periods absent for the day to create a meeting attendance record for each period in the bell schedule.
    • If daily attendance code is absent, mark only the bridge period absent for the day to create a meeting attendance record for the bridge period identified in the bell schedule.
  5. Click Submit.

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