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Attendance Conversion Items

PowerSchool uses attendance conversion items to calculate attendance for state and provincial reports and student records. You can create three types of attendance conversion items for each attendance conversion method: period, code, and time.

Note: Period and Time conversions work with daily attendance and partial attendance and can contribute to both full-day and partial-day ADA values. Whereas code conversion only works with daily attendance and can only contribute to full-day and partial-day ADA values.

To access Attendance Conversion, select School under Setup in the main menu, then select Attendance Conversion.

Work with Period Items

For each period item, define the number of periods the student must be present/absent to receive the number of points ADA value you specify.

Note: If a bridge period section is not configured within your bell schedule, period items are not counted in the period-to-day conversion.

Add Period Items

  1. Click (NONE) in the Period column next to the conversion item for which you want to add period items.

    You can copy period settings from another conversion table by clicking Copy From Other Conversion Table. Select the attendance conversion to be copied and click Submit.

  2. Configure period items for periods present or absent. To configure, see the Count these codes for period conversion setting.
  3. If Period Present, enter the number of attendance points students receive toward full-day ADA if they are present, based on the number of periods in the Period Present column. For example, students are counted as absent for the entire day if they are present for zero or one period, enter 0 in the fields next to 0 and 1 periods present. If Period Absent, enter the number of attendance points students receive if absent, based on the number of periods in the Period Absent column.
  4. Enter comments if needed.



    AM Attendance Value

    If Period Present, enter the number of attendance points students receive toward partial day ADA for the AM day part if they are present, based on the number of periods in the Period Present field.
    If Period Absent, enter the number of attendance points students receive toward partial day ADA for the AM day part if absent, based on the number of periods in the Period Absent field.
    Note: This field only appears if Day Part Attendance is enabled.

    PM Attendance Value

    If Period Present, enter the number of attendance points students receive toward partial day ADA for the PM day part if they are present, based on the number of periods in the Period Present field.
    If Period Absent, enter the number of attendance points students receive toward partial day ADA for the PM day part if they are absent, based on the number of periods in the Period Absent field.
    Note: This field only appears if Day Part Attendance is enabled.

  5. Click Submit.

Work with Code Items

Define the ADA value you want a student to receive for each code item when a specific attendance code is given.

Note: Code is not applicable if Day Part Attendance is enabled.

Add Code Items

  1. Click (NONE) in the Code column next to the conversion item for which you want to add code items.

    You can copy code items from another conversion table by clicking Copy From Other Conversion Table. Select the attendance conversion to be copied and click Submit.

  2. Enter the number of attendance points students receive if marked with that attendance code for Day Attendance Value.
  3. Enter any comments that are relevant to this attendance conversion item.
  4. Click Submit.

Work with Time Items

For each time item, define the cut-off points for attendance and the ADA value a student should receive.

Add Time Items

  1. Click (NONE) next to the conversion item for which you want to add time items.

    You can copy time items from another conversion table by clicking Copy From Other Conversion Table. Select the attendance conversion to be copied and click Submit.

  2. Enter the minimum number of minutes a student must be present to earn the number of attendance points specified in the following field.
  3. Enter the number of attendance points students receive toward the full day ADA value if they are present, based on the number of minutes you enter in the Minutes Present field.
  4. Enter any comments that are relevant to this attendance conversion item.

    AM Attendance Value

    Enter the number of attendance points students receive toward the partial day ADA value for the AM day part if they are present, based on the number of minutes in the Minutes Present field.
    Note: This field only appears if Day Part Attendance is enabled.

    PM Attendance Value

    Enter the number of attendance points students receive toward the partial day ADA value for the PM day part if they are present, based on the number of minutes in the Minutes Present field.
    Note: This field only appears if Day Part Attendance is enabled.

  5. Click Submit.

Work with Percent Period Items

For each period item, define the percent of periods the student must be present/absent to receive the number of points ADA value you specify.

Note: If a bridge period section is not configured within your bell schedule, period items are not counted in the period to day conversion.

Add Percent Period Items

  1. Click (NONE) in the Percent Period column next to the conversion item for which you want to add percent period items.

    You can copy percent period items from another conversion table by clicking Copy From Other Conversion Table. Select the attendance conversion to be copied and click Submit.

  2. Enter the percentage of periods in a student's schedule that they must be present to earn the number of attendance points specified in the following field.
  3. Enter the number of attendance points students receive toward the full day ADA value if they are present, based on the percentage of periods you enter in the Percent Present field.
  4. Enter any comments that are relevant to this attendance conversion item.
  5. Click Submit.

Work with Percent Time Items

For each time item, define the percentage of time for attendance and the ADA value a student should receive at each.

Add Percent Time Items

  1. Click (NONE) next to the conversion item for which you want to add time items.

    You can copy percent time items from another conversion table by clicking Copy From Other Conversion Table. Select the attendance conversion to be copied and click Submit.

  2. Enter the percentage of minutes in a student's schedule that they must be present to earn the number of attendance points specified in the following field.
  3. Enter the number of attendance points students receive toward the full day ADA value if they are present, based on the percentage of minutes you enter in the Percent Present field.
  4. Enter any comments that are relevant to this attendance conversion item.
  5. Click Submit.

Edit Conversion Items

  1. Click Defined next to the conversion item for which you want to edit.
  2. Edit the information as needed.
  3. Click Submit.
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