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Year-to-Date Attendance Summary Report

Use the Year-to-Date Attendance Summary report to generate year-to-date aggregated attendance information by grade. This report is aggregated by grade, data sectioned out by reporting segments. The report queries the selected reporting segment as well as all those reporting segments with end dates less than the start date of the selected segment.

The report adjusts to reflect Clock In/Clock Out values if used when recording attendance.

Note: In order for this report to work properly, you must have the reporting segments set up correctly. For more information, see Reporting Segments.

Run the Year-to-Date Attendance Summary Report

  1. On the start page, choose System Reports under Reports in the main menu. The Reports page appears.
  2. On the System tab, click Year-to-Date Attendance Summary. The Year to Date Attendance Summary Report page appears. The upper portion of the page displays the report's name, version number, description, and comments.
  3. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Attendance Mode

    Use the pop-up menu to select one the attendance recording methods for which you want to run this report.

    • Use Default: Searches for and displays report output based on FTE. By default, this menu option is selected. If your school uses more than one FTE to differentiate students, such as full time and part time, and you want to run the report for those sets of students, the only way to effectively run these groupings with different modes and conversion items is to use the default.
    • Daily: Searches for and displays report output by day.
    • Meeting: Searches for and displays report output by period.

    For more information about attendance modes, see Attendance Overview.

    Note: Menu options appear based on your attendance setup configuration. For the Use Default menu option to display, FTEs must be set up and the “Use default settings” checkbox on the Attendance Preferences page must be selected. For the Daily or Meeting menu options to display, the Daily or Meeting checkboxes on the Attendance Preferences page must be selected.

    Attendance Conversion

    Use the pop-up menu to select the method by which attendance is calculated for which you want to run this report. Menu options appear based on the Attendance Mode selected.

    • If the Attendance Mode of Use Defaults was selected, Use Defaults appears by default. There are no other menu options to choose from.
    • If the Attendance Mode of Daily was selected, choose either Code to Day or Time to Day.
    • If the Attendance Mode of Meeting was selected, choose Period to Day or Time to Day.

    For more information about attendance conversions, see Attendance Overview.


    Select the checkboxes of the grade levels you want to scan. Alternatively, leave all the checkboxes blank to scan all grade levels.

    Reporting Segment or Begin Date and Ending Date

    Select which date range to use for this report:

    • Reporting Segment: Choose a reporting segment from the pop-up menu. For more information about reporting segments, see Reporting Segments.
    • Begin Date and Ending Date: Specify a date range in the blank fields using the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy. If you do not use this format, an alert appears. If you submit the date with an incorrect format, the date field is submitted as a blank entry.

    Note: The date entered must fall within the selected school year term.

    Specific Date/Time

    If you selected the On Specific Date/Time processing option, enter the date to scan using the format mm/dd/yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy. If you do not use this format, an alert appears. If you submit the date with an incorrect format, the date field is submitted as a blank entry.

    Use the pop-up menus to indicate the hour and minute.

  4. Click Submit. The report results display based on the parameters you selected. Depending on your specifications, this could take several minutes. The following information appears in the output file:

    Note: The order in which reporting segments appear is based on the reporting segment's sort order. For more information, see Reporting Segments.

    Column Name


    Grade Levels

    The grade levels for which the report was generated.

    Memb. Days

    The total number of membership days by reporting segment.


    The total number of in-session school days per segment


    Average daily attendance per segment.

  5. Print the report from your Web browser or save it to another application. For more information, see Run, Print, and Save Reports.

    Column Name



    Teacher's name in the format "Lastname, Firstname."

    Course Name

    Course name of the section reported on the page.


    Periods and Cycle Days associated for the section reported on the page.

    Course Number

    Course number of the section reported on the page.

    Section Number

    Section number of the section reported on the page.

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