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Print Mailing Labels

Print mailing labels to address envelopes for student letters, create barcodes for lunch ID cards, or for many other purposes. Before printing an existing mailing label, be sure you are familiar with its content and format. For information about creating mailing labels, see Mailing Labels.

  1. On the start page, search for and select a group of students. A list of students appears in the Current Student Selection section. For more information, see Select a Group of Students.
  2. Click the [Select Function] arrow. The Group Functions pop-up menu appears.
  3. Under Printing, choose Print Mailing Labels. The Print Mailing Labels page appears.
    Note: Alternatively, if you have a current selection of students, you can choose Special Functions under Functions in the main menu and then click Groups Functions.
  4. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Print Mailing Labels for

    The selected number of students appears. For more information about changing the selection of students, see Student Search.

    Use this mailing label layout

    Choose the mailing label template from the pop-up menu.

    How Many Pages?

    Select an option to indicate the number of pages to print:

    • One page only to print only the first page
    • All pages to print all pages of the report for the selected students

    Sort Order?

    Select an option to sort the mailing labels on the report:

    • Student's last name
    • Mailing Zip Code
    • Address Zip Code

    When to print

    Select a time to run the report:

    • ASAP: Execute immediately.
    • At Night: Execute during the next evening.
    • On Weekend: Execute during the next weekend.
    • On Specific Date/Time: Execute on the date and time specified in the following fields.

    Report Output Locale

    Select the locale from the pop-up menu. The report output will be in the language associated with the locale.

    Note: When generating object reports, certain report text may appear in the default English language. For more information, see Object Reports.

  5. Click Submit. The report queue appears.
  6. Click View once the report is completed.
    Note: Click Refresh to update the status of the report.
    The page displays a PDF file of the report. Thoroughly review it to verify that the formatting and content are correct. If the report provides the data you need and is formatted properly, print it from this page or save it to another application.
  7. When you are satisfied with the labels, put sheets of blank labels in the printer tray.
  8. Choose File > Print from the menu bar.
  9. Make the necessary selections in the Print dialog.
  10. Click OK. The mailing labels print.
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