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Mobile Web Pages Setup

Before your district can begin using mobile web pages, you must set up the following items:

  • Enable mobile web pages at the district level.
  • Set mobile web page settings at the school level.

Once mobile web pages is enabled at the district level and mobile web pages settings are set at the school level, all staff members will have access to the mobile pages of PowerSchool using a mobile device.

Note: When signing in to PowerSchool Mobile Web pages, if Smart Punctuation is enabled on devices running iOS 11, apostrophe characters entered in the Username field will result in an Invalid Username/Password error. To turn off this setting, on the device go to Settings > General > Keyboard and turn off Smart Punctuation.

Enable Mobile Web Pages at the District Level

To get started, you must enable mobile web pages at the district level.

  1. On the start page, choose District under Setup in the main menu. 
  2. Under Plugins, click Miscellaneous
  3. Select the Enable Mobile Web Pages checkbox to enable access to the mobile version of PowerSchool. 
     Alternatively, deselect the checkbox to disable access to the mobile version of PowerSchool.
  4. Click Submit

Set Mobile Web Page Settings at the School Level

Once mobile web pages are enabled at the district level, you can then set mobile browser settings at the school level.

  1. On the start page, choose School under Setup in the main menu. 
  2. Under General, click Mobile Browser Settings
  3. Use the following table to enter information in the fields:



    Disable Mobile PS (Admin)

    If you want administrators in this school to be able to access the mobile pages of the PowerSchool SIS Admin portal in mobile browsers, leave the Optimized Pages checkbox blank. Alternatively, if you do not want Administrators in this school to be able to access the mobile version of the PowerSchool SIS Admin portal pages, select the Optimized Pages checkbox. By default, this feature is enabled.

    Disable Mobile PS (Teachers)

    If you want teachers in this school to be able to access the mobile pages of the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal in mobile browsers, leave the Optimized Pages checkbox blank. Alternatively, if you do not want teachers in this school to be able to access the mobile version of the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal pages, select the Optimized Pages checkbox.

    Disable Mobile PS (Subs)

    If you want subs in this school to be able to access the mobile pages of the PowerSchool SIS Substitute portal in mobile browsers, leave the Optimized Pages checkbox blank. Alternatively, if you do not want subs in this school to be able to access the mobile version of the PowerSchool SIS Substitute portal pages, select the Optimized Pages checkbox. By default, this feature is enabled.

    Default Class Sort

    Indicate the order by which you want classes to appear when accessing the PowerSchool SIS Admin portal, the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal, and the PowerSchool SIS Substitute portal using a mobile browser by choosing one of the following from the pop-up menu:

    • Course/Expression to sort by course name and then schedule expression.
    • Expression/Course to sort by schedule expression and then course name.

    Hide Bus Route

    If you do not want bus routes to appear when accessing the PowerSchool SIS Admin portal, the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal, and the PowerSchool SIS Substitute portal using a mobile browser, select the checkbox. Otherwise, leave the checkbox blank.

    Show Bus Info From Transportation or Student Fields

    If you have opted not to hide bus route information, indicate which bus route information you would like to appear by choosing Transportation or Student Fields from the pop-up menu. If you chose Transportation, bus route information is pulled from the Transportation table. If you chose, Student Fields, bus route information is pulled from the Students table. For more information, see the PowerSchool Data Dictionary Tables. Otherwise, select the checkbox.

    Hide Student Photos

    If you do not want student photos to appear when accessing the PowerSchool SIS Admin portal, the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal, and the PowerSchool SIS Substitute portal using a mobile browser, select the checkbox. Otherwise, leave the checkbox blank.

    Hide Lunch Count (Subs)

    If you do not want lunch counts to appear when accessing the PowerSchool SIS Substitute portal using a mobile browser, select the checkbox. Otherwise, leave the checkbox blank.

    Hide Lunch Count (Teachers)

    If you do not want lunch counts to appear when accessing the PowerSchool SIS Teacher portal using a mobile browser, select the checkbox. Otherwise, leave the checkbox blank.

  4. Click Submit to save the preferences.
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