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Search Log Entries

Log entries are used to create a record regarding a student's behavior, performance, or activity. Many schools use log entries to chronicle disciplinary actions. Log entries can also be used to record students' positive achievements.
Using the Search Log Entries page, you can search for log entries based on selected parameters. Upon submitting the search, the Log Entry Functions page appears displaying three output options. You can view a list of the log entries, print a log entries report, or export the log entries.

Use PowerSchool to search for log entries containing selected words or those created during a specific period. Your security access will dictate how detailed of a search you can perform. 

  1. Navigate to the Search Log Entries page. 
  2. Enter the search criteria.

  3. Click Submit
  4. Depending on what you want to do with the Log records you have selected, select one of the following:
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