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Repeated Course Grade Suppression

Using Repeated Course Grade Suppression students may repeat a course to improve a grade and have it applied to their graduation, GPA, class rank, and honor roll calculations. As part of the calculation, the maximum number of credits a student receives for taking the course can be set. Additionally, using Course Equivalencies, you can manage the relationship between a course and its equivalent. Once defined, course equivalencies are then used by the repeated course grade suppression process when calculating permanently store grades.

Example 1

Semester 1 a student receives a grade of F and in Semester 2 the student receives a grade of B. The F will be replaced by the B meaning the F will be excluded from graduation, class rank, honor roll, and GPA calculations. Additionally, the F will have a repeated course grade suppression value of 'R', indicating that it was replaced by a better grade.

Example 2

A course has a maximum credit hours setting of 1. A student takes the class three times in different semesters, each of which one credit was attempted. The student received the following grades in the following order: C, F, B. The C will replace the F and the B will be set as over maximum credit for the course. The F will be excluded from graduation, class rank, honor roll and GPA calculations. Additionally, the F will have a repeated course grade suppression value of 'R', indicating that it was replaced by a better grade. The B will be excluded from graduation and it will receive a repeated course grade suppression value of 'M', indicating it was suppressed because the student had already received the maximum number of credits allowed for that course.

Example 3

Semester 1 a student receives a grade of F for course number MATH101 and in Semester 2 the student receives a grade of B for course number MATH102. An equivalency is defined for MATH102 where it can replace MATH101. The B will replace the F where the F will be excluded from graduation, class rank, honor roll and GPA calculations. Additionally, the F will have a repeated course grade suppression value of "R", indicating that it was replaced by a better grade. The MATH102 record will have its Replaced_Equivalent_Course field set to MATH101 to indicate that it is replacing a different "equivalent course".

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