Manage Custom Student Fields

- On the start page, choose System under Setup in the main menu.
- Under Data Management, click Custom Fields/Screens.
- Click Student Fields.
- To add custom student fields:
- Click New.
Enter the Field Name.
Enter a description.- Click Submit.
- To edit custom student fields:
- Click the name of the field you want to edit.
- Edit the information as needed.
- Click Submit.
- To delete custom student fields:
- Deleting a custom field also deletes the field from any custom pages and the values of that field. If you manually entered the field on a PowerSchool page, you must manually remove the field from the page.
- Click the name of the field you want to delete.
- Select the checkbox to confirm that you want to delete the field.
Note: If you do not select the checkbox and click Delete, the system displays a message indicating that the field was not deleted. Click Back to return to the previous page. Select the checkbox, and then click Delete. - Click Delete.
- Click Confirm Delete. Do not leave the page until a message appears indicating that the process is complete.
Note: The system lists any PowerSchool pages that include the custom field. If any pages appear, you must manually remove the fields from those pages.